Springfield High School Class of 1951
Senior Student Activities
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N| O | P | R | S | T | U | W | Y
KARKLINS, RITA — Academic General, German 4
KASPER, RICHARD — Academic General, Track 2, Tennis 3, Hi-Y 3, Photography 2 3 4
KEETON, ROBERT — Academic General
KELLEY, DOROTHY (Dot) — Vocational Commercial, Spanish 3 4, Comeercial 4, Friendship 2 3 4, Boosters' 2
KELLY, MARY — Academic General, A Glee 2, FRO 4
KENERLY, CARL — Academic General, Cross Country 2 3 4 "S" 3 4, Track 2 3 "S" 3, Varsity "S" 3 4
KENNEDY, ROSE LEE — Academic General, A Glee 3 4, B Glee 2, Latin 2, Philirenean 3, Commercial 3
KERIAZES, GUS — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Exec. Board 3, Boys' Council 2 3, All-Star Football Team, Best Player Optimist Award, All Ohio Football, Band 2, Football 2 3 4 Mgr. "S", Track 4, El som 2 3 4, Hi-Y 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4, Varsity "S" 3 4, Boys' Council 3 4, March of Dimes Review 3
KERNS, CHARLES (Chuck) — Academic General, Band 2 3 4, Student Coach 3 4, Social Science 3, Boosters' 2 3 4
KETTLEHAKE, LARRY — Academic General, Summer Speech Award to Northwestern University, Herald 4, School News 4, Bolts and Nuts Crew, Who Gets the Car Tonight Cast, Clarence Cast, Debate 4, Speech Team 3 4, Radio Plays 2 3 4, Tennis 3, Dramatics 2, NTS 2 3 4, NFL 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Boys' Council 3, March of Dimes Review 2 3 4
KIMBLE, SHIRLEY (Pebble) — Academic General, B Glee 2 3 4, Latin 2, Bowling 2, FTA 4, Friendship 2, Boosters' 2 3 4, March of Dimes 3
KINCAID, HARRY (Jr.) — Academic General, Boosters' 4
KINCAID, JAMES — Academic General, A choir 4, Ensemble 4, El Som 4, Hi-Y 4
KIRKHAM, WILLIAM (Bill) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Delegate to World Affairs Institute 3, Latin 2, German 2 3, Star and Atom 4, Social Science 4, Boosters' 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4
KLEEBERGER, BETTY — Academic General, A Glee 3, B Glee 2
KLINE, CAROL (Julie) — Academic General
KNEISLEY, LOIS (Janie) — College Prep, Slice It Thin Crew, Spanish 3 4, Commercial 2, Friendship 2, Boosters' 3 4
KOHL, DONALD (Don) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Debate 2 3, Band 2 3 4, B Choir 2, Latin 2, French 3 4, NFL 2 3 4, Boosters' 4, Photography 2, Boys' Council 3
KOOGLER, RICHARD (Koog) — Academic General, Cross Country 4 "S" 4, Social Science 3, Industrial 4, Varsity "S" 4, Boys' Council 2 3
KRAMER, ROBERTA (Bertie) — Vocational Commercial
KYLE, ANNE (Toby) — Colege Prep, Star and Chevron Pin, Yearbook 4, Orchestra 2 3 4, A Choir 4, B Glee 2, Girls' Ensemble 4, String Ensemble 2 3 4, English 2 3 4, French 3 4, Philirenean 2 3, Art League 3, Dramatics 2 3, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, March of Dimes Review 4, District Music Contest 2 3 4
LAPP, RUDY — Academic General, Baseball 3 4, Bowling 4
LEFFEL, WILLIAM (Bill) — Academic General, Star and Chevron 2 Chevrons, Biology 2, Industrial 2, Boosters' 3
LEWIS, MARJORIE ELLEN — Academic General, Friendship 2, El Som 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 2
LINDSAY, RICHARD (Dick) — Academic General
LITTLEJOHN, NELSON — Vocational Machine Shop, Industrial 2 3 4
LOGAN, JAMES (Russ) — Academic General, Dramatic 2, Industrial 2, Boosters' 4, Traffic Squad 3 4
LONGO, MICHAEL (Mike) College Prep, Yearbook 4, Latin 2, Spanish 3 4, Star and Atom 3, Biology, 4, Soph. History Forum, Boosters' 2 3 4, Youth Gov. Day
LUMPKIN, JAMES (Eddie) — Academic General, Hi-Y 4
LYNCH, CAROL — Vocational Commercial, Boosters' 3 4, Commercial 3 4
LYNN, PATRICIA (Patty) — Academic General, Friendship 3, Skylighters Council 3
LYTLE, MARVIN (Buster) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Exec. Board 4, Cross Country All-Southwestern, Football 2 3 4 "S" 3 4, Track 2 3 4 "S" 3 4, Varsity "S" 3 4, Boys' Council 2 3 4, March of Dimes Review 3