Springfield High School Class of 1951
Senior Student Activities
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N| O | P | R | S | T | U | W | Y
CAHOON, JOE — Vocational Machine Shop, Basketball 2 3 4 "S" 2 3 4, Industrial 2 3 4, El som 4, Hi-Y 2, Photography 3 4, Varsity "S" 3 4, Boys' Council 2 3, March of Dimes Review 4
CAIN, CHARLOTTE (Charlie) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron Pin, Speech Award 3 4, Yearbook 4, Debate 2 3 4, Speech Team 2 3 4, Radio Plays 2 3, H.M.S. Pinafore, Orchestra 2 3 4, Latin 2, Star and Atom 4, Soph. History forum, Dramatics 2, Bowling League 3 4, NFL 2 3 4, FTA 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, March of Dimes Review, Youth Gov. Day 4.
CALHOUN, MARIAN — Academic General, B Glee 2
CALLISON, LARRY — Academic General.
CAMERON, FLOYD (Bill) — Academic General, Debate 2, B Choir 2.
CAMPBELL, GEORGE (Pooch) — Academic General, B Choir, Football 2 3 4 "S" 3 4, Basketball 2 3, Baseball 2 3 4 "S" 2 3 4, Bowling League 3, El Som 2 3 4, Hi-Y 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Varsity "S" 2 3 4, Boys' Council 2
CANTER, BETTY LOU — Academic General, Star and Chevron 1 chevron, Radio Plays 2, B choir 2, A Glee 3 4, Latin 2, Philirenean 2 3, Biology 2, Dramatics 2 4, Friendship 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4.
CAREY, REECE — Academic General, Radio Plays 2
CARMODY, JOHN (Babe) — Academic General, German 3 4, Hi-Y 3, Photography 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4
CARMOSINO, JOE (Little Bernie) — Academic General, FOotball 2, El Som 3, Boosters' 3 4, Boys' Council 2.
CARR, BOBBIE — Academic General, Latin 2.
CHALLENDER, DELORES (De) — Academic General, A Glee 3 4, B Glee 2.
CHAPMAN, CLEO (Shrimp) — College Prep, Latin 2
CHASE, DON (Jody) — Academic General, cross Country 2, Track 2, Boosters' 3 4, Boys' Council 4
CHASE, RICHARD — Academic General
CHRISTIAN, JOHN — College Prep, Youth Gov. Day.
CHYNOWETH, BRYER (Burr) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron Pin, Homecoming Attendant 4, Yearbook 4, Slice It Thin Crew, A Choir 4, A Glee 3, Vocal Ensemble 4, Latin 2, Spanish 3 4, Dramatics 2, NTS 3, FTA 4, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 2 3 4 Pres. 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' State 3, Youth Gov. Day 4.
CLARK, JOANNE (Clarkie) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 3 4, A Glee 3 4, B Glee 2, Art 2, Soph. History Forum, Bowling League 3, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 3, Boosters' 2 3 4.
CLARK, RUTH (Ruthie) — Academic General, B Choir 2, Spanich 3 4, Friendship 3 4, Skylighters 2 3 4, Boosters' 4, Girls' Council 2.
CLOUSE, JOAN — Academic General, Dramatics 4
COAN, GEORGE — College Prep, football 2 manager, French 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4.
COLLIBEE, EVELYN (Evie) — Academic General, A Glee 3 4, B Glee 2, Dramatics 2, Commercial 2 4, Friendship 2, Boosters' 2
COLLINS, DARLENE — Academic General.
COLVIN, HARRY — Academic General
COMBS, CHARLES (Clinker) — Academic General, Star and Chevron 1 Chevron, Football 2 3, Industrial 2 3, Boosters' 4
COOCH, HAZEL (Coochie) — Academic General, Girls' Council 2 4, School News 4, Friendship 2 3, El Som 3, Boosters' 2 3 4.
COOK, RONALD (Ron) — Academic General, Boosters' 4.
COOPER, LORRAINE — Academic General, A Glee 3, B Glee 2
CORNELISON, CHARLENE — Academic General, B Glee 2.
COTMAN, ROSE MARIE (Rosie) — Academic General, Friendship 2, Skylighters 2.
COX, DON — Academic General, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 2 3 4, Orchestra 2 3, French 3 4, Star and Atom 4, Art 2, Social Science 3, Boosters' 4, Photography 2.
COZAD, DICK — Academic General, Boosters' 4.
CRAWFORD, JIM — Academic General, Baseball 2 3 4, German 3 4, Boosters' 3 4.
CRIST, NANCY — Academic General, Biology 3, Friendship 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 2
CURRENT, RICHARD — Academic General, Boosters' 4.
CURRY, BEVERLY (Bev) — Academic General, B Choir 2, Majorettes 3 4, biology 2, Friendship 2 3, El som 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4
DAVEY, DONALD — Academic General.
DAVIS, XILPHA (Phillie) — Academic General.
DAY, SAM — Academic General, Football 2 3, Industrial 2 3.
DENNY, WENDELL (Windy) — Academic General
DENNIS, FRED (Denny) — Academic General
DENNIS, ROGER — College Prep, Hi-Y 4.
DERR, ZONA GAIL (Dodie) — Academic General, A Glee 3, B Glee 2, Biology 2 3, Dramatic 2, Boosters' 2 3 4.
DETRICK, DANNY (Dan) — Vocational Machine Shop, Industrial 2 3 4, El som 4, Boosters' 4.
DeWITT, NANCY — Academic General, Boosters' 4
DILLON, PATRICIA (Pat) — College Prep, Star and Chevron Pin, Forum 4, Slice It Thin Crew, Orchestra 2 3 4 Pres. 4, Relay Queen 4, Spanish 3 4 Pres. 4, Latin 2, Philirenean 2, Social Science 3 4, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4.
DITTMAN, ROBERT (Bob) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 2 3 4, Dance Band 3 4, Orchestra 2 3 4, Latin 2, English 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, March of Dimes Review 4, Youth Gov. Day 4.
DOLPH, DELORES — Academic General, Friendship 2, El som 2, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 2.
DUFFY, JAMES — Academic General, Commercial 2, Boosters' 4.
DULANEY, SHIRLEY — Academic General, Homecoming Attendant, Majorettes 2 3 4, Friendship 2 3, El Som 2, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 4
DURRANT, CLARENCE — Vocational Machine Shop, Industrial 2 3 4.
DYER, CHARLES (Chuck) — Academic General, Football 2 3, Basketball 4, Cross Country 2 3 4 "S" 3 4.