Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield High School Class of 1951


Division 52

From the top of the steps: Neal Weber, Susie Lemen, David Hebble, Kit Nolte, Donna Deselem, Beverly Mollman, Bill Shingledecker, Shirley Schneider, Jean Berry, Pearl Augustus, Donna Burkhardt, Don STewart, Barbara Ulery, Evan Evans, Nancy Dennis, Martha Hannebaum, Bob Koogler, Charlotte Lawrence, Harry Martin, Barbara Elias, Patti Gray, Gwen Sparrow, Pat Jacobs, Barbara Murray, Nancy Shaw, Rosemary Detrick, Shirley Williams
Across the front, left to right: Jack Hebble, Jim Riffell, Conrad Nelson, Bill Bassett, Easterday, Jim Nelson, Bill Bassett
Absent: Silvia Ienvnieks (Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 53

From the top of the steps: Carolyn Shook, Leon Anderson, Carole Rumpke, Eunice Ann Huck, Cynthia Durfey, Ronald Naille, Carol Bottoms, Lenore Bussey, Phil Rubin, Anna Frazier, Everett Wood, Sue Macquire, Charlene Loe, Barbara DeJong, Richard Van Horn
Across the front, left to right: Barbara Trinkle, Irene Polley, Jim Boatman, Nancy Staight, Barbara Free, JoAnn Printz, Jim Kelley, Marilyn Mumma, Carolyn Snarr, Bernice Satorie, Robert Burton, Joan Mustard, Patricia Stuckey
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 54

From the top of the steps: Don Sultzbach, Bill Tritle, Dick Claar, William F. Back, Jacquelyn Needles, Dolores Needles, Dick Smith, Ronald Cook, Linda Schoen, Bernice Prince, Robert Rambo, Nickie Moore, Paula Ray, Kaylee Foster, Janice Starr, Nancy Vickroy, Elinor Bush
Across the front, left to right: Ethel Riley, Judy Farmer, Connie Whitacre, Barbara Gamp, Judy Feldman, Connie Ginaven, Don Mefford, Helen Potts, Phyllis Leath, Carolyn Beale, Janet Mossbarger, Jeanne Goings, Diane Huston, Anita Hannum
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 55

From the top of the steps: Martha Anderson, Marilyn Potts, Mildred Walls, Janey Morrin, Shirley McCollum, Mary C. Potter, Doris Davenport, Shirley Kinley, Glynna Daniels, Ann Warren, Joanne Malone, Margaret LeValley, Reba Adkins, Marilyn Herier, Carolyn Shank
Across the front, left to right: Barbara Alexander, Barbara Shaw, Marianne Ludlow, Julia Krichbaum, Jack Rohrer, Jack Minchin, Edwin Dalie, John Fisher, John Lytle, Harry Mefford, Harold Mac Lean, Douglas Wattleton, Charles Sanborn, Nancy Beverly, Kenneth Longworth, Anita Mills, Ronny Robinson
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

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