Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield High School Class of 1951


Division 46

From the top of the steps: Bill Otenberger, Jim Hause, Jack Nave, Dick Wilson, Glen Adams, John Bussey, Jack Krichbaum, Jim Marshall, Guy Lanum, Harold Wilson, Tom Potts, Bob Roberts, Roger Shaffer, Pete Newby, John Adler, Wayne Johnson, Richard Kelsey
Across the front, left to right: Howard Tuvelle, Eugene Cottrell, Albert thornburg, Bertha Boisel, Pat Chaffin, Bob Fenton, Red Circle, Frances Arnold, Marguerite Runyan, Caryl Baughman, Bonita Randall, Phyllis Reams, Bonnie Cook, Marcia Haley, Eugenia Huston, Dick Tope, Dick Shaftner, Dean Patten
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 47

From the top of the steps: Carole Huffman, Susan Whipp, Marjorie Farris, Darlene Collins, Marjorie Grashel, Mary Borchers, Jean Grout, Joan Maxwell, Elinor Hursh, Marion Lyons, Marjorie Henderson, Ruby Pendergraft
Across the front, left to right: Betty Johnson, Laura Burns, Betty Jean Morgan, Marilyn McCardle, Juanita Johnson, Norma Jean Berry, Florence Riggs
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 50

From the top of the steps: Martha Scales, Bette Lannert, Carolyn Whittington, Mary Jane Tavenner, Shirley Mitchell, Joyce Addis, Jeanne McGillivray, Bessie Jane Martin, Peggy Collins, Nancy Warren, Patricia DuVal, Judy Dobbins, Nancy Osborn, Beverly Botsford, Lois Jordan, Judy Turner, Shirley Shook, Joanne Knick, Dottie Breece
Across the front, left to right: Paul Krapp, Don Shonting, Dick Hunt, Philip Barber, Jim Henthorne, James Haucke, David Garrety, Doug Miranda, Fred Freed, Bob Ater, Ed Shank, John Gatwood, Charles Myers, Robert Hohlmayer, Larry McCoy, Doris Sonander, Nancy Burger, Martha Klein
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

Division 51

From the top of the steps: Joan Winters, John DeVore, Barbara Weller, Ernest Ashcraft, Martha Hamilton, Ira Schwartz, Marilyn Shoemaker, Carolyn Allen, Nancy Tavenner, Dick Mills, Sandra Fasick, John Richard, Mary HOpkins, Doris Bergstrom, Marilyn Lesch, Don Glendenin
Across the front, left to right: Jack Sommers, Don Hill, Mimi Kennedy, Bruce Oberlin, Chris Lohnes, Ronald Roberts, Beverly Curry, Beverle Circle, Leona Ayres, Shirley Little, Patricia Harshbarger, Betty Burley, Ronald Hays, Phillip Stoll, Ed Schecter, Richard White
(Click on the image for a larger view in a new window)

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