Springfield High School Class of 1951
A Background in Grammar and Literature
Helen Raup
Rosemary Sundberg
Abigail Van Horn
Robert Rolfes
Marie Stowe
Mary Ballinger
Ruth Exline
May Fay
Anne Haeseler
Lena Noble
Hetty Rabey
In this brave new life that we call Our World we will have no greater need than the accurate use of our own language. Toward that end our lcasses have been set up for both general and professional fields.
Though the principles of usage are fascinating, we know that their greatest vlaue is our ability to express ourselves in simple prose, both written and spoken...and though few of us will make a personal contribution to the field of English Literature, we are fortifying ourselves for happy hours of relaxation in the world of books by getting acquainted with the great works of the past and with the best contributions of our contemporaries.
It may be fun for the class, but not for the fellow who forgets.
A board full of assignments helps us plan our work
Through literature we know our neighbors both at home and abroad ...
never forgetting that the greatest help in understanding comes from a familiarity with the greatest in literature — — The Bible.
Too often we associate the work of the library with the English department. Of course, book reports and the magazines and stories that we take home for reading over the weekend create that impression. But in classes such as Miss Stowe is teaching here we soon learn that there is a gold mine of information for those who would know more about history, science, the drama, vocations, geography, commercial, and home making. Do we really make enough use of the wealth of material that is here?