Springfield High School Class of 1951
Dramatic Club
The stars of tomorrow? Maybe not; however, through the Dramatic Club monthly programs the students are being trained with this idea in mind. Records of different plays, talks from Playbox and Civic Theatre leaders, and skits given by the students themselves all combine into an interesting club agenda. Club officers are (reading from left to right) Russell Willeman, Rick Zimmerman, Director Robert Sealock, Beverly Botsford, Nancy Gebhardt and Bob Everhart.
National Forensic
It is a great privelege to belong to National Forensic, a speech honorary society. Candidates cannot attain membership until they have completed the required number of hours in some speech activity such as tournament debate, oratory, or extemporaneous speaking. Members travel to various schools in this section of the state to take part in week-end contests. The climax of all this hustle and bustle is the State Speech Tournament held at Columbus. Only those qualified at Bowling Green (pictured) may go on to the state finals. Donovan Pearson is the club advisor.
Looking at the Keystone are Shirley Mitchell, Barb Beasley, Vivian Newberg and Barbara Huffman. Admiring trophies are Charlotte Cain, Nancy Gebhardt, Ed Bircher, Larry Kettlehake and Betty Idle. Back row — Paul Crapp, Fred Freed, Jim Henthorne, David Bodenberg, Ernie Motts and Bob Ater.
National Thespian
Mary Brooks and Jerry Oberley are shown here rehearsing for a District Contest play for National Thespean. The group is made up of those who are interested in the theatre and those who wish to gain experience in the finer points of acting. Under the direction of Robert Sealock the Thespians are preparing to give "Fixin's" the tragedy of a farm woman, for this year's contest.