Clark County's Civil War Soldiers
From The History of Clark County, Ohio
Chicago: W.H. Beers & Co., 1881
This regiment was organized at Piqua, Ohio, on the 3d of October, 1862. Gen. J. Warren Keifer, then Major of the Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was appointed to the command, and promoted to the rank of Colonel. October 19, it left for the field. During its term of service, the regiment was in twenty-one engagements, and sustained a loss of seven hundred and ninety-five men, in killed, wounded and missing. The late Maj. Luther Brown went out as Captain of Company I, and served to the end of the war. The data for the roll, and history of this company, are from Reid's "Ohio in the War," and notes furnished by Sergt. Charles H. Berry, late private of this command.
k—Killed in action; p— Prisoner; w—Wounded; pd—promoted; d—Died in service; dd—Deceased; m—Missing.
Captain, Luther Brown, w, pd Major, dd
First Lieutenant, William A. Hathaway, k
Second Lieutenant, Thomas I. Weakley, p Capt.
First Sergeant, Henry H. Stevens k
Second Sergeant, Albert H. Hubbard.
Third Sergeant, Erastus Layton
Fourth Sergeant, John W. Steelman, w
Fifth Sergeant, William T. Soward
First Corporal, Edward McGilton
Second Corporal, David King, w
Third Corporal, Matthew Overpack, k
Fourth Corporal, Washington S. Grimm
Fifth Corporal, William Wise, w
Sixth Corporal, Joseph S. Dever
Seventh Corporal, Isaiah C. Reese
Eighth Corporal, James D. Dickerson
Aspinall, Thos. B.
Aspinall, Richard B.
Anderson, Martin, w
Berry, Chas. H.
Berry, Thos. S., w
Biggs, John
Boyd, James D.
Barr, Elias A. w
Barr, Jacob
Barr, Saml, w and d
Baird, Robert L. k
Cox, John W. w
Chatterton, John w
Clayton, Thomas d
Clouse, John
Davidson, Henry d
Fry, Jacob d
Forbes, Wm. d and p
Ginavan, Alexander
Gummer, Ruben M.
Harris, Ezra C. w
Hubbard, Bernard S.
Honafinger, John H.
Hurst, John V. w
Hutchinson, Henry
Kuro, James E.
Kaufman, Henry, w
Kingore, Charles
Lamme, Edwin H.
Leighman, Christian
Lipencott, Darius
Lipencott, John R.
Littlejohn, George W., w
Ludy, Samuel k
Martin, Andrew J.
Motts, Elias k
Metcalf, Samuel
Metcalf, Swithen, w and d
Maxson, Simon w
McCord, Ogden
Munk, John k
McGilton, James
McAllister, Malcolm, d
Overpack, George w
Polhemus, Aaron, w and d
Petty, John k
Raffensperger, Peter
Romy, Greene P.
Reese, Hiram C.
Robertson, Wm. A. w
Ruffin, Chas. d w
Ruffin, Saml
Sprowl, Elias
Stirkle, Benj.
Stirkle, Henry
Spahr, Joshua L.
Shellenberger, Jonas N.
Shrader, Isaac
Skillman, Philander
Sensabaugh, John
Slentz, Henry
Snyder, Peter w
Troxell, George W., d
Trout, Henry S.
Warfield, Jos., drowned
Waldron, Thomas
Williams, Isaac d
Walder, William L.
Walker, Jessie S. d
Wentz, Samuel P.
Wentz, Elden, w
Wissinger, John, w
Wallace, Hugh M.
Yonker, Henry
Yonker, Chas., w
Yetter, Amos, w
Siegler, Moses, k
Saylor Gardner
Scott Cory
Joseph Kelly
Richard Sparrow
Absolom Sparrow d
Avery Griffith k
Jules R. Bruce
James Cunningham
John Ward
Zachariah Hooper
William Racy
Barney Quinn
Ezekiel Maxwell, w
NOTE. — One man lost, at the wilderness, June 6, 1865, who enlisted under an assumed name.
After its organization, and before the regiment left Ohio for the front, the ladies of the city of Piqua presented to the regiment a beautiful stand of colors. On receiving them from the hands of the ladies, the regiment gave a pledge that they should never be dishonored while in their keeping. Nobly was that pledge kept. For three long, eventful years, in camp, on the toilsome march, on the field of mortal combat, midst the smoke and thunder of more than twenty battles, the colors of the One Hundred and Tenth were never dishonored by desertion of their defenders, or the touch of an enemy's hand. The stand of colors presented by the ladies were carried from 1862 up to the spring of 1864, when the colors, or battle-flag, torn and battle-stained, was by a vote of the regiment presented to Gen. J. Warren Keifer. The banner received from the ladies, and the new flag obtained in 1864, were carried to the close of the war. The colors of the One Hundred and Tenth were carried on the fields of Winchester, June 13, 14 and 15, 1863, Wapping Heights, Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Locust Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Gaines' Mills, Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundred, Petersburg, June 22, 1864, Monocacy, Charlestown, Smithfield, Winchester. 1864, Flint Hill, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Petersburg. March 25, 1865, Petersburg. April 2, 1865, Sailors' Creek and Appomattox.
Twice the colors of the One Hundred and Tenth fell from the hands of its slain defenders. Three times was its staff pierced by the enemy's bullets, and sixty balls passed through its folds, but no enemy's hand ever dishonored or defiled it by a touch. It waved in triumph over the glorious fields of Cedar Creek, Richmond and Appamattox, being one of the first to cross the works at Cedar Creek and Richmond.
When the regiment was mustered out in 1865, the colors then carried were deposited at the State capital, where they now are.
Captain, Nathan S. Smith.
Captain, William A. Hathaway, k
Captain, Henry H. Stevens, k
Captain, John T. Sherar.
First Lieutenant, John Cannon.
Second Lieutenant, Paris Horney. p d
First Sergeant, George O. McMillen. pd k
Second Sergeant, Amos Shaul, pd w
Third Sergeant, Samuel Robinson, w
Fourth Sergeant, Russel B. McCollum. p
Fifth Sergeant, Francis M. McMillen. w pd
First Corporal, Darwin Pierce w
Second Corporal, James T. McKinnon. w p
Third Corporal, James Lambing.
Fourth Corporal, George W. Little. w
Fifth Corporal, Finley B. Newson
Sixth Corporal, George W. Hamilton. w p
Seventh Corporal, William Sheets.
Eighth Corporal, William Hamilton
Musician, George L. Mull. p
Anderson, Harmon. p
Anderson, Isaac w p
Arbenz, Solomon w p
Akers, George W. w
Arbogast, Eli p
Anglebarger, David
Bennett, Joseph F. d
Bennett, Henry L.
Bennett, Enoch M. p
Brown, John p
Clemens, Wilson M.D. w
Cheney, William w
Coss, John w
Canada, Samuel pd
Cavanaugh, John w p
Conway, Patrick
Chancellor, James M. w p
Cory, Josephus N. p
Clark, Joseph P.
Curl, John
Cyster, John G.
Day, William
Dwyer, Michael k
Daily, Harrison H.
Deffendan, Thomas w p
Edwards, Robert H.
Griffith, James W. w pd
Griffith, John T. k
Hope, James w p
Hope, Christopher p
Huffman, George d
Hoffman, William k
Hicks, Thomas J.
Hendrix, John k
Johnson, David L.
Kinert, William E.
King, Spencer p
Long, John T.
McKinnon, Joseph H. w
McCormick, Patrick w p
McKinney, K.M. w p
Maywood, Walter
Marshall, Freeman
Neer, Joseph w
Osborn, Jacob R.
Obenchain, Samuel w
Pierce, John L. p
Paullin, Charles
Peters, Samuel
Polley, Daniel D.J. w
Render, Louis J. k
Ross, David
Sweet, Bynner B.
Schickedantz, Joseph
Stewart, William
Sheets, James H. p
Scheetz, Francis w p
Smith, Thomas k
Smith, Benjamin w
Scott, Leonard p
Scorse, Alcetus J. p
Truitt, George P. k
Thorp, Wilber B. pd
Trumbo, Levi M. d
Taylor, Morrison
Vance, Thomas w p
Willhide, Thomas C. p
Welch, Patrick w
Warrington, John W. w
Wiley, Robert W. p pd
Bricker, Amos
Bricker, Cornelius
Coss, David d
Cooper, Joseph
Clancey, John w
DeHaven, Jesse
Eppinger, Oliver
Forbes, George W. p
Hope, Luke d
Hankins, Charles p
Hill, William
Kennedy, John d
Longshore, John
March, Milton w
May, Christian w
Morgan, George W.
Newton, Franklin
Powell, William w
Suman, Eli J.
Sewin, Amos d
Thomas, Noah w
Thomas, William R. w
Wheatley, Joseph H. k
Watson, Charles
Whiteman, John k
Wheatley, Charles k
At the storming of Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, Sergt. Francis M. McMillan captured twelve prisoners, two pieces of artillery and one flag. This gallant act received honorable mention in general orders. Sergt. was promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major of the regiment.
NOTE. — This roll, remarks and color history is by Russel B. McCollum, late First Sergeant in command of this company when mustered out.