Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Early Springfield Ordinances

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852


Requiring bonds to be given by certain officers of the city of Springfield herein named.

Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Springfield, That the mayor of said city, whenever he shall take his oath of office, and before he shall enter upon the duties thereof, shall give a bond to the city of Springfield in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with at least two responsible securities, residents of said city, to be approved of by the city council, which said bond shall be conditioned that he shall perform all and singular the duties of his said office, and shall well and truly pay over, according to law, all moneys which may come into his hands by virtue of his said office, to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, which said bond, when accepted by the city council, shall be deposited with the city recorder, who shall file the same.

Sec. 2. The treasurer of said city, whenever he shall take his oath of office, and before he shall enter upon the duties thereof, shall give a bond to the city of Springfield in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with at least two responsible sureties, residents of said city, to be approved of by the city council, which bond shall be conditioned that the said treasurer shall receive and safely keep, for the use of said city, all moneys paid into the city treasury, and shall well and truly account for and pay over the same at such times and in such manner as the said city council may direct; and that said city treasurer shall, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver over to his successor in office, or such other person as the said city council shall designate for that purpose, all books, papers, accounts and vouchers in his hands, belonging to the said city, and shall pay over to his said successor, or such other person designated as aforesaid, all moneys remaining in his hands from the receipts of his said office which may be then due the said city; and further, that he shall perform all and singular the duties of his said office, which the city council may from time to time prescribe; which said bond, when the same shall have been accepted by the city council, shall be deposited with the city recorder, who shall file the same.

Sec. 3. The city marshal of said city, whenever he shall take his oath of office, and before he shall enter upon the duties thereof, shall give a bond to the city of Springfield in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with at least two responsible sureties, residents of said city, to be approved of by the city council, which bond shall be conditioned that the said marshal shall well and truly pay over to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, all moneys that may be collected or received by him on process directed to him in any civil or criminal cause, and shall also well and faithfully perform all and singular the duties of his office, which during the continuance thereof, he shall be required to perform by the laws of this state, or the ordinances or resolutions of the city council; which bond, when the same shall have been accepted by the city council, shall be depostied with the city recorder, who shall file the same.

Sec. 4. That if any person elected to the office of mayor, treasurer or marshal of the said city of Springfield, shall not give bond and take an oath or affirmation faithfully to discharge all the duties of his office, within ten days from the day of his election, his office shall be considered vacant.

Sec. 5. Suit may be brought on the official bonds aforesaid, in the name of the city by any person or persons injured by the breach thereof, in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction.

Sec. 6. All ordinances adopted by the council of the town of Springfield coming within the purview of this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the publication thereof.

Mayor of the city of Springfield

Passed June 8, 1850.


Ohio Genealogy



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Springfield in 1852

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SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

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