Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield's First City Charter

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852

Sec. 15. That the said City Council shall have the power, and it is hereby made their duty, to regulate by good and wholesome laws and ordinances for that purpose, all theatrical exhibitions, and public shows, and all exhibitions of any name or kind to which admission is obtained by the payment of money, or other reward, and also the sale of all horses, and other domestic animals at public auction, in the streets, lanes, alleys, or commons, in said city, and the said City Council, shall have full and exclusive power to grant or refuse licenses to showmen, keepers and managers of theatrical exhibitions, and all other exhibitions for money or reward, to auctioneers for the sale of horses and other domestic animals at public auction in said city, and brokers and keepers of exchange or loan offices, and in granting any such license it shall be lawful for said City Council to exact, demand, and receive therefor, such sum or sums of money, as they shall think proper and expedient, and to annex thereto such reasonable terms and conditions in regard to time, place and other circumstances under which said license shall be acted upon, as in their opinion, the peace, quiet, and good order of society in the city may require, and for the violation of such reasonable terms and conditions as aforesaid, the Mayor shall have power to revoke or suspend such license, whenever the good order and welfare of said city may require it, in such manner as shall be provided for by ordinance.

Sec. 16. That the said City Council shall have full power and they are hereby authorized to require and compel the abatement and removal of all nuisances within the limits of said city, under such regulations as may be provided by ordinance; and to cause all grounds where water shall at any time become stagnant, to be raised, filled up, or drained; and to enforce the removal of all putrid animal or vegetable substances; and any proprietor of grounds subject to be covered with stagnant water, may be ordered by notice given to himself or his agent — or in case of non-residence of such proprietor, by publication in some newspaper printed in said city for four weeks — to fill up, raise, or drain such grounds at his or her own expense; and the said City Council in such notice shall designate how high such grounds shall be filled up and raised, or in what manner they shall be drained, and fix some reasonable time for filling up, raising or draining the same; and if such proprietor or agent shall refuse or neglect to fill up, raise or drain the said ground, in such manner and in such time as the said City Council shall have designated and fixed, the said Council shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the city, and assess the amount of expense thereof on the lot or lots of ground so filled up, raised or drained as aforesaid, and place the assessment also made as aforesaid, in the hands of the City Marshal, who shall proceed to collect the same by the sale of such lot or lots, if not otherwise paid, in the same manner, with the same powers, and under the same regulations as shall at the time be prescribed by the laws of this State for the sale of lands for the non-payment of State and county taxes; and the said Marshal shall make and execute deeds to the purchaser or purchasers of such lot or lots, and the proprietor or proprietors, or their heirs and assigns, shall have the same right of redemption of the same as shall be prescribed by law at the time, for the redemption of lands sold for taxes as aforesaid.

Sec. 17. That the said City Council shall have power, whenever the public convenience or safety shall require the same, to prohibit dogs, hogs, cattle, horses or other animals, from running at large in the streets, alleys, commons, and other public places in said city; provided, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to subject such animals, when owned by persons out of said city, to be abused, taken up, or sold, for coming into and passing through the bounds of said city.

Sec. 18. That the City Council shall have power, when the public good shall require it, to erect a city prison, and to regulate the police and internal government of the same. That said prison may contain cells for solitary confinement, and such apartments as may be necessary for the accommodation, employment and safe-keeping of all such persons as may be confined therein. That any person convicted before the Mayor of any offense, which by the laws of the State of Ohio may be punishable in whole or in part by confinement in the county jail, may be confined in the cells of the city prison for any time not exceeding the time prescribed by the laws of this State for the punishment of such offense, and if deemed advisable, kept at hard labor during said term. That the City Council shall have power to pass all such ordinances as may be necessary for the apprehension and punishment of all common street beggars, common prostitutes, and all persons disturbing the peace of said city, who, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor in such manner as said City Council shall prescribe, may be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be confined in the city prison for any length of time not exceeding fifteen days, or both; provided, that until such city prison shall be erected and prepared for the reception of prisoners, the said city shall be allowed to use the jail of Clark county for the confinement, employment and safe-keeping of all such persons as may be convicted before the Mayor and who shall be liable to imprisonment under the laws of this State or the ordinances of the city; and all persons so imprisoed shall be under the charge of the sheriff of said county, who shall receive and discharge such persons into and from said jail in such manner as shall be prescribed by the ordinances of said city, or otherwise by due course of law; and after such city prison shall be erected and prepared for the reception of prisoners, the City Marshal, in the control, government and management thereof, shall have the same power and authority and be subject to the same liabilities as by the laws of this State now or hereafter shall be conferred or imposed upon the sheriffs of the several counties of this State in the control, government and management of the county jails, and all such powers and duties as the City Council may prescribe.

PREVIOUS - Sections 9-14

NEXT - Sections 19-


Ohio Genealogy



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City Charter

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Springfield in 1852

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SHS 1951 Yearbook

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