Early Springfield Legislation
- Springfield's First City Charter
- Early Ordinances
- June 8, 1850 - Requiring Bonds of City Officers
- June 8, 1850 - Punishment of Certain Offenses
- July 2, 1850 - To regulate the improvement of the sidewalks in the city of Springfield.
- July 2, 1850 - To authorize the position of City Engineer and Surveyor.
- July 2, 1850 - To provide for assessing and collecting a tax on dogs, to prevent bitches from running at large, and to provide against the prevalence of hydrophobia in the city of Springfield
- August 7, 1850 - To provide for licensing and regulating drays, carts and wagons, in the city of Springfield
- August 7, 1850 - To license and regulate runners and solicitors for taverns in the city of Springfield.
- November 6, 1850 - Regulating the sale of fire-wood within the city of Springfield, and creating the office of wood measurer.
- November 27, 1850 - For preventing and extinguishing fires within the city of Springfield.
- November 27, 1850 - For the organization of the fire department of the city of Springfield.
- June 4, 1851 - Regulating the sale of horses and other domestic animals, and wheel carriages at auctions in the city of Springfield.
- July 5, 1851 - To license and regulate plays, shows and exhibitions in the city of Springfield.
- July 23, 1851 - For the prevention of nuisances in the city of Springfield.
- January 7, 1852 - Regulating the speed of locomotives and railroad cars in the city of Springfield
- March 30, 1852 - For the protection and regulation of the city hall.
- March 30, 1852 - For the punishment of resistance or disobedience to the city marshal in the execution of his duty.
- March 30, 1852 - To prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors.
- March 30, 1852 - Regulating the mode of fixing the grades of the streets, sidewalks, lanes, alleys and roads within the city of Springfield.
- April 14, 1852 - To determine the compensation of the mayor, and other officers of the city of Springfield.
- April 14, 1852 - For the preservation of trees.
- April 14, 1852 - To provide for the appointment of supervisors, and to prescribe their duties, and for other purposes.
- April 14, 1852 - In relation to the market house.
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