Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1863

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863

al alley or allopathic.
atty attorney.
av avenue.
b between.
bar k barkeeper.
bds. boards.
b. h. boarding house.
bk book or brick.
b. k. book keeper.
bklayer bricklayer.
bldr builder.
bldg. building.
bo botanic.
c. corner.
cab. mkr. cabinet maker.
carp. carpenter.
clk clerk.
cof h coffee house.
com commission.
confec confectioner.
e east
ec eclectic.
eng. engineer.
ex. exchange.
h. house.
ho. homeopathic.
lab. laborer.
manuf. manufactory or manufacturer.
mer. merchant.
mkr. maker.
n. north.
not. pub. notary public.
nr. near.
opp. opposite.
prov. provision.
prop'r. proprietor.
res. residence.
s. south or side.
servt. servant.
w. west.
wh. wholesale.
wks. works.

Gaffney James, lab h e s Gallagher n of Mill Run
Gaffney Owne, lab h n s Main e of Water
Gaffney Patrick, lab h w s Cherry b High and Harrison
Gallagher Hannah, h w s Mill b Mill Run and Selma Pike
Gallagher Owen, grocery n s Washington b Spring and Gallagher
Gamm George, lab, h e s Grant s of Pleasant
Garber John, drayman h e s Race b Main and High
Gardiner Charles O. mach h w s Market b Jefferson and Washington
Gardner George, painter bds w s Limestone b Main and High
Gardner John, helper wks Champion Machine Works
Gardner Robert, blksmith h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Garrett John, lab h n s Main b Spring and Water
Garritz Hugh, lab h n s Kenton e of Cherry
Geer John J. minister h e s Factory s of Pleasant
Geiger Hezekiah R. teacher h n s Buck Creek w of Urbana Pike
Geiser Jacob, stone mason h n w c Columbia and Light
Gelwick George, cigar mkr bds Western Hotel
Gelwicks Charles, printer bds Western Hotel
Gelwicks George N. cigar mkr bds Western Hotel
Gelwicks Wm. T. cigar mkr, h n s Columbia b Spring and Limestone
George Washington, blksmith h e s Yellow Spring n of North
Gerraphatz Mary, servt w s Limestone s of Kizer
Gerry Margaret E. tailoress bds n s Washington b Market and Centre
Getner Henry, finisher bds U. S. Hotel
Gibbons Henry, lab h n s Washington b Mechanic and Plumb
Gibbons Martin, lab h n s Columbia b Limestone and Spring
Gidlan Mrs. —, h e end of Kenton
Gillan Augustus, plasterer h e of Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Gillan Charles, farmer h e s Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Gillan George W. farmer h e s Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Gillespie —, carp bds n w c Main and Spring
Gillett Sophia W. h s e c Spring and Gillett's Av
Gilmore Sarah, servt 50 Factory
Given Martin, lab h n s Columbia b Spring and Limestone
Gleason Thomas, lab s s Main opp Greenway Institute
Glenn Michael, lab h s w c Kenton and Centre Av
Glenn Patrick, lab h w s Mill b Mill Run and Railroad
Glisbe Franklin, white washer h s w c Foster and Section
Goff James, h w s Market b High and Washington
Goff Rosa, cook Knaub's Hotel
Golden John, mach bds Willis House
Goode James S. (Shellabarger & G.) h s s High b Gallagher and Mill
Goodwin Mrs. —, h s s Main nr Cemetery
Gore Henry, h n s Jefferson b Centre and Factory
Gore Joshua, clk 115 Main h 76 Centre
Gore Patrick, servt s e c High and Cherry
Goudy Andrew, farmer h s s Selma Pike e of Spring
GOUDY WM. K., Family Grocer e s Market b Main and High.
GOULD CHARLES M., Editor and Publisher of the Clarke County Democrat, bds Willis House.
Gram James, lab h s s Columbia e of Spring
GRAM MOLLIE E., Milliner and Mantua Maker n s Main b Market and Centre.
Gram Sarah, milliner h n s Main b Market and Centre
Grant Wm. (Leuty & G.) h w s Yellow Spring n of North
Grant Wm. H. clk e s Market b Main and High, bds w s Yellow Spring n of North
Gray Eliza A. h w s Mill b Clifton and Mill Run
Gray Wm. h n s High b Centre and Market
Green Daniel, barber bds s s Washington b Limestone and Spring
Green David, h n w c Clifton and Cherry
Green Grove W. carriage mkr h w s Factory b Main and Columbia
Green Matthew, lab h n s High e of Railroad Bridge
Green Wm. druggist bds C. F. McWilliams'
Greene Wm. B. clk e s Market b Main and High, bds e s Limestone b Main and High
Greenleaf Osborne J. h n s Race e of Limestone
GREENWAY BOARDING SCHOOL, Chandler Robbins, Proprietor, n s Main e of Railroad Crossing.
Greenwood George, lab h s s Selma Pike w of Mill
Greenwood Theodore, lab h s s Selma Pike w of Mill
Greenwood Thomas, lab h s s Selma Pike opp Mill
Gredley Chester P. scale manufacturer h s s Clifton e of Scott
Griffin Edward, white washer h n s High b Limestone and Market
Griffin John, lab h n s Columbia b Murray and Sycamore
Griffin Collins W. mach h s s North b Factory and Mechanic
Griffith Robert, spinner h w s Market n of North
Gross Samuel E. grocery n e c Market and High
Grossmann Wm. watches, &c. n s Main four doors w of Market
Grove Henry B. 44 Factory
Grub Christ. cooper h s s North b Race and Light
Grub Philomina, h s s North b Race and Light
Grubbs Susan E. servt s w c Centre and Jefferson
Grube John, farmer h e s Yellow Spring Road s of Washington
Grundy Samuel, lab h w s Mill b Mill Run and Selma Pike
Gunder Joseph, blksmith h n s Columbia e of Water
GUNN JAMES W., Dealer in Books and Music, 117 Main, h 32 High
Gunn Lorena, h w s North b Factory and Mechanic
Gurtel George, mach h w of Plumb n of North
Guy John R. feed store e s Market b Main and High, h w s Limestone s of Pleasant


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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