Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1863

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863

al alley or allopathic.
atty attorney.
av avenue.
b between.
bar k barkeeper.
bds. boards.
b. h. boarding house.
bk book or brick.
b. k. book keeper.
bklayer bricklayer.
bldr builder.
bldg. building.
bo botanic.
c. corner.
cab. mkr. cabinet maker.
carp. carpenter.
clk clerk.
cof h coffee house.
com commission.
confec confectioner.
e east
ec eclectic.
eng. engineer.
ex. exchange.
h. house.
ho. homeopathic.
lab. laborer.
manuf. manufactory or manufacturer.
mer. merchant.
mkr. maker.
n. north.
not. pub. notary public.
nr. near.
opp. opposite.
prov. provision.
prop'r. proprietor.
res. residence.
s. south or side.
servt. servant.
w. west.
wh. wholesale.
wks. works.

Eagle Francis, carp bds American House
Eby Emanuel G. saddle and harness factory 135 Main, h 42 Factory
Eby Wm. Director County Infirmary, h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Eckert Philander, blksmith h s s High b Mechanic and Plumb
EDMONDSON THOMAS, Tanner, Currier and Leather Dealer, n s High b Limestone and Market, h n s Columbia b Yellow Springs and Mechanic.
Edwards Eliza, h n e c Market and Pleasant
Edwards Ogden J. carriage mkr h s s Mulberry b Centre and Factory
Eflick Wm. lab wks Champion Machine Works
Eippir Henry, jr. wagon mkr h e s Factory b Columbia and North
Eippir Henry, senr. stone quarrier h e s Factory b Columbia and North
Ellifritz Byron, printer h s s Columbia b Market and Factory
Ellifritz Elizabeth, h s s Columbia b Market and Factory
Elliott E. D. patent watches n s Main one door e of Knaub's Hotel, h 79 Main
Ellis — show mkr h s e c Main and Yellow Spring.
Ellsworth Rev. Wm. I. h s e c High and Mill
Endter John H. blksmith h n s North b Yellow Spring and Plumb
English Lutheran Church, n e c High and Factory
Enoch Wm. mach h n s High b Yellow Spring and Plumb
Erich Conrad, huckster h n s Main e of Spring
Erich John, mach h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
Erich Peter, lab h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
Evans Charles H. teacher h e s Spring b High and Washington
EVANS RICHARD D., Deputy Clerk Probate Court; Office, s w c Limestone and Columbia, h e s Spring b Washington and High
Evans Washington, h e s Spring b High and Washington
Ewing —, contractor bds n w c Spring and Washington
Ewing George B. miller h n s Buck Creek e of Limestone
Ewing John, h s w c Market and Pleasant
Ewing John M. student h s w c Market and Pleasant
Ewing Thomas K. student h s w c Market and Pleasant

Fahl Henry, carriage maker n e c Columbia and Light
Fankhouse John, proprietor omnibus line h 13 Washington
Farnsworth Geo. telegraph operator bds w s Factory b High and Washington
Farr Cyrus F. cabinet mkr h w s Mechanic b High and Washington
Fassler Jerome, (Whiteley F. & Kelly) h s s Selma Pike nr Limestone
Fast Daniel F. traveling agent, h n e c Centre and Washington
Fatman Rachel, h s s Selma Pike opp Spring
Fehrenz Charles, carriage smith h n s North b Yellow Spring and Mechanic
Feld Henry, lab h n s Columbia b Race and Light
Ferrell Alphonzo, (F. & Ludlow) h 38 Factory
Ferrell & Ludlow, (Alphonzo F. & Abraham R. L.) foundry n w c Limestone and Washington
Ferrell Nathaniel, tailor h 38 Factory
Ferrenz Charles, blksmith h n s North b Mechanic and Yellow Spring
Ferris Jennet, servt at Asa Bushnell's
Ferris Wm. lab h s s Columbia b Limestone and Market
Fessler Joseph, finisher h n s Main b Spring and Water
Fick Sarah E. res at Rev. T. T. Titus
Fickes Jacob L. tree delaer h s s Mulberry b Centre and Factory
Field W. S. (W. S. F. & Co.) h e s Market b Hgih and Washington
Field W. S. & Co. (W. S. F. & N. F. Stone) hardware 116 Main
Fields George, carp wks Eli M. Arbogast
Finch Abasolom, shoe mkr h 243 Main
Finley James, cartman h s w c Main and Race
Finout Hiram, veterinary surgeon h n s Columbia b Market and Limestone
Fish Andrew J. teacher bds e s Maiden Lane b Yellow Spring and Plumb
Fish John, stone cutter h e s Maiden Lane b Yellow Spring and Plumb
Fisher Charles D. (M. W. Fisher & Son) h 97 Main
Fisher Christopher, lab h e s Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Fisher Jacob, bk layer h n e c North and Yellow Spring
Fisher, Joshua, bk layer h n e c North and Yellow Spring
Fisher M. W. & Son, (Maddox, W. & Charles D. F.) china, glass and queensware 97 Main
Fisher Maddox W. (M. W. Fisher & Son) h 97 Main
Fitzgareld Ann L. h n s North b Factory and Mechanic
Flanigan John, drayman h e s Spring b Main and Columbia
Fleming James, Sheriff, office n w c Main and Limestone, h at County Jail
Floyd G. W. photographer 82 Main, h w s Limestone b High and Main
Floyd Henry, (F. & Toland) h n s Washington b Centre and Factory
Floyd & Toland, (Henry F. & John T.) blksmith n s Main e of Spring
Folckemer Samuel, carp h n s Columbia b Yellow Spring and Plumb
Foley Julia, laundress Knaub's Hotel
Folger Charles, clk h w s Mill b Mill Run & Selma Pike
Folger Henry, machine shop, Lagonda h 51 High
Folger John W. carp h w s Mill b Mill Run and Selma Pike
Foley Jerry, lab h s s Columbia b Limestone and Market
FOLLRATH HENRY, Grocer, 309 Main, h 311 Main
FOLLRATH & KRIEGBAUM, (Michael F. & Nicholas K.) Family Grocery 165 Main
Follrath, Michael, (F. & Kriegbaum) h 165 Main
FOOS & BROTHER, (Wm. & Gustavus S.,) Bankers s w c Main and Limestone
Foos Ferguson W. b k s w c Main and Limestone, h s s High b Spring and Gallagher
Foos Gustavus S. (F. & Brother,) h n s High e of Railroad Bridge
Foos John, linseed oil manufacturer n s Buck Creek e of Limestone, h s s E High e of Railroad Bridge
Foos Wm. (Shepherd & F.) h s s High b Spring and Foster
Foos Wm. (F. & Bro.) h s s High b Spring and Gallagher
Forgy Jacob N. agent h n w c Washington and Factory
Fornsworth Geo. telegraph operator bds 30 Factory
Fortriede Louis, show mkr bds Willis House
Foster Hannah, servt at Wm. Whiteley's
Foster Mary, dress mkr h 98 High
Founstrohe Henry, cooper h s s Columbia e of Spring
Fowler Sarah, dress mkr h 77 Main
Fox Albert carder h n s Main e of Spring
Fox Cyrus, carp h s s Main e of Sycamore
Fox Hannah, s s Main e of Sycamore
Fox Paulina, h n of North b Factory and Mechanic
Fox Richard, h s s Main e of Sycamore
Francis John, shoe mkr h s s Columbia e of Spring
Frank Adam, bakery and confectionery 155 Main
Frank Peter, cooper h n s Avenue al w of Mechanic
Frank Philip, lab h n s Main b Factory and Mechanic
FRANKEL B. & W., (Benjamin & Wm.) Clothiers 149 Main.
Frankel Benjamin, (B. & W. F.) res Cincinnati
Frankel Wm. (B. & W. F.) h 75 High
Frankenberg Clarissa W. h n w c High and Factory
Frankenberg Geo, sutler h w s Limestone s of Kizer
Frankenstein Godfrey N. teacher Springfield Female Seminary
Frankenstein Gustavus, teacher Springfield Female Seminary
Frankhause Geo. h e end of Rogers
Franklin Benjamin, blksmith h s s Main e of Penn
Franklin David W. blksmith, h s s Main E of Penn
Franklin Josiah, cabinet mkr h n s Columbia b Mechanic and Yellow Spring
Freeman Lizzie, servt 34 Factory
FREIGHT OFFICE SANDUSKY, DAYTON & CINCINNATI R. R., at west end of Northern Depot, J. C. Buxton, Agent.
French Edmund M. blksmith h n s Mulberry b Limestone and Spring
Frey —, silver smith h n s Race e of Limestone
FREY GEO. H., Dealer in Lime and Stone, n s buck Creek w of Limestone, h w s Limestone n of Seminary.
Frimod Wm. lab h s e c Washington and Mechanic
Fry George W. carp h n s Columbia b Market and Factory
Frye Wm. C. h s w c High and Cherry
Funk Henry, h w s Factory b Main and High
Funk John, cattle dealer h 199 Main
Furniss Benjamin H. b k h n e c Jefferson and Centre


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

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