Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1863

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863

al alley or allopathic.
atty attorney.
av avenue.
b between.
bar k barkeeper.
bds. boards.
b. h. boarding house.
bk book or brick.
b. k. book keeper.
bklayer bricklayer.
bldr builder.
bldg. building.
bo botanic.
c. corner.
cab. mkr. cabinet maker.
carp. carpenter.
clk clerk.
cof h coffee house.
com commission.
confec confectioner.
e east
ec eclectic.
eng. engineer.
ex. exchange.
h. house.
ho. homeopathic.
lab. laborer.
manuf. manufactory or manufacturer.
mer. merchant.
mkr. maker.
n. north.
not. pub. notary public.
nr. near.
opp. opposite.
prov. provision.
prop'r. proprietor.
res. residence.
s. south or side.
servt. servant.
w. west.
wh. wholesale.
wks. works.

Dagin Sylvester, tailor 106 Main, h s e c High and Plumb
Daile George W. b h n w c Spring and Main
Daile James, carp h n w c Spring and Main
Daile John, mach h n w c Main and Spring
Dalbey Reuben M. dealer in fruit jars, h s s Pleasant b Centre and Factory
Danker Frederick, carp bds n w c Main and Spring
Daugherty Jacob, cooper h n s Main b Plumb and Race
Davidson George, helper wks Champion Machine Works
DAVIDSON JOB, Cooper Shop, n s High b Factory and Mechanic
Davidson John, lab bds United States Hotel
Davidson John, plasterer h n e c Centre and Pleasant
Davidson Joseph, carp n s Columbia b Market and Factory, h n w c North and Primrose Alley
Davidson Otho, cooper bds Job Davidson's
Davidson Thomas, hack driver h n e c Main and Mechanic
Davidson Upton, cooper h s s North b Mechanic and Yellow Spring
DAVIDSON W. H. & CO., (Wm. H. D. & Wm. C. Smith,) Merchant Tailors, 143 Main
Davidson Wm. H. (W. H. D. & Co.) h 8 Factory
Davis George, servt 97 Main
Davis James, barber h s s Washington b Market and Centre
DAVIS M. P., Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy Goods and Notions, 110 Main; h n s Jefferson, two doors w of Market.
Davis Patton, Jeweler h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Davy Jesse, student bds Wittenberg College
Day Richard, lab h e s Gallagher b High and Washington
Deam Andrew, lab h s s Main b Race and Light
Deam John W. carriage mkr h n s Columbia b Market and Factory
Deane Thomas, clk at L. M. & C. & X. Railroad, bds Knaub's Hotel
Deardorff John M. (Thomas, Mast & Co.) h e s Centre b Main and High
Deffenbauch Andre, clk h s s Main b Spring and Foster
Deffenbaugh Mrs. S. R. milliner 6 Market
Deffenbauch Samuel R. cof h e s Limestone b Main and Columbia, h 6 Market
Deffenbaugh Amos, restaurant 122 Main
Deffenbaugh Andrew, cof h 29 Main
Dempsey Abner, barbar h e s Grant s of Pleasant
Denning Elizabeth, bds Knaub's Hotel
Dergins Susan, h e s Spring b Main and High
Derrick Mary, servt at J. F. Chorpenning's
Desch Henry, carp h n s Main e of Spring
De Vault Henry, bucket mkr n s Main b Mechanic and Yellow Spring, h 280 Main
Devinney Michael, lab h n s Main b Spring and Water
Devlin John, mach h e s Taylor b Clifton and Harrison
De Witt Mary E. h s s Columbia b Market and Limestone
Dial Mrs. A. E. governess Springfield Female College, res. at College
DIAL E. G., Principal Springfield Female College, Resides at College
Dibert George, farmer h w s Yellow Spring Road s of Washington
Dice Jacob D. h e s Factory b Jefferson and Mulberry
Diehl Michael, teacher h n s Buck Creek w of Urbana Pike
DIETZEL CARL, Lock Smith, n s Main e of Water.
Dietzel Edward, (Otto & D.) h s s North b Factory & Mechanic
Dietzel Henry, chair caner h n s Main e of Water
Digen Sylvester, tailor h n s Washington b Mechanic & Plumb
Dill John, b h n w c Spring and Washington
Dillan James, lab h w s Cherry b Hill and Harrison
Dillehunt John, bds American House
Dinwiddie John A. clk e s Market b Main and High, bds 161 Main
Disher Samuel, clk h e s Factory b Columbia and North
Dodds Nancy, h s s Main b Centre and Factory
Dodge — peddler bds Knaub's Hotel
Dodge Lizzie C. teacher Springfield Female Seminary
Dodsworth John, h s s Washington b Centre and Factory
Doneu John, blksmith wks Floyd & Toland's
Donigan Thomas, lab h s s Columbia e of Water
Donnovan Robert, pump mkr h s s Columbia e of Spring
Donohue Patrick, lab h s s Columbia e of Water
Doram Josephus, (Taylor & D.) res Kentucky
Dorsey Charles W. h e s Factory s of Pleasant
DORSEY DENNIS B., Editor Western Methodist Protestant, h e s Factory s of Pleasant.
Dorwin — insurance agent 125 Main
Dory — gardener h e s Limestone s of Pleasant
DOTY EDWARD M., Dealer in Hardware, Iron and Agricultural Implements, 113 Main, h s s Main near Railroad Crossing
Doty Levi R. clk 113 Main
Douglass John G. grocery n s Washington b Spring and Gallagher
Downey Bernard, blksmith h s s Main b Spring and Foster
Downey Wm. C. traveling agt., bds Knaub's Hotel
Downs Wm. plasterer h s s Mulberry b Market and Centre
Downy James, lab h n s Washington b Spring and Gallagher
Doyl John, lab h n s Columbia e of Spring
Doyle Daniel, dray h s s Columbia e of Spring
Doyle John, lab h s s Main b Spring and Foster
Doyle Patrick, lab h 40 Main
Drake George W. photographer h w s Mill b Clifton and Mill Run
Drake Harriet, h w s Mill b Clifton and Mill Run
Drake Margaret V. clk h w s Mill b Clifton and Mill Run
Drake Wm. S. (Phillips & D.) bds Willis House
Driscol E. & J. (Elias & James D.) carriage manufs 180 Main
Driscol Elias, (E. & J. D.) h 35 W High b Centre and Factory
Driscol Ellen, h e of Plumb s of Washington
Driscol George, car mkr h n e c Columbia and Yellow Spring
Driscol James, (E. & J. D.) h n s Columbia b Factory and Yellow Spring
Driscol Josiah, livery stable 238 Main
Drum Andrew B. h n s Mill Run e of Mill
Drum Elizabeth, h n s Mill Run e of Mill
Drum Thomas, h n s Mill Run e of Mill
Drury Jonas, h 29 Jefferson
Duddy John, carriage painter wks 180 Main
Dudley Ephraim T. teamster h n s Clifton b Mill and Scott
Dudley James S. blksmith s s High b Market and Centre, h n s Washington b Limestone and Spring
Dudley Nathan F. carp h n e c Mill and Clifton
Dudley Richard O. carp bds n e c Mill and Clifton
Duff Wm. servt at Wm. Warder's
Duke George, grocery &c. 80 Main
Duke Margaret, millinery goods 77 Main
DUNLAP ALEXANDER, Physician and Surgeon, w s Limestone b Main and High, h e s Market b Mulberry and Pleasant
Dunn James lab h s s Mound w of Cherry
Dupler John, molder h 13 Factory
Dustin Ellen J. teacher Springfield Female Seminary
DYE BENJAMIN H., (D. & Showers) Attorney h e s Market b Main and High
Dye Michael, lab h n s Columbia b Water and Spring
DYE & SHOWERS, (Benjamin H. D. & Henry S. S.) Soldiers Claim Agents 115 Main.
Dyer Percy B. S. clk e s Market b Main and High, bds s w c Market and Jefferson


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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