Springfield in 1863
From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863
al |
alley or allopathic. |
atty |
attorney. |
av |
avenue. |
b |
between. |
bar k |
barkeeper. |
bds. |
boards. |
b. h. |
boarding house. |
bk |
book or brick. |
b. k. |
book keeper. |
bklayer |
bricklayer. |
bldr |
builder. |
bldg. |
building. |
bo |
botanic. |
c. |
corner. |
cab. mkr. |
cabinet maker. |
carp. |
carpenter. |
clk |
clerk. |
cof h |
coffee house. |
com |
commission. |
confec |
confectioner. |
e |
east |
ec |
eclectic. |
eng. |
engineer. |
ex. |
exchange. |
h. |
house. |
ho. |
homeopathic. |
lab. |
laborer. |
manuf. |
manufactory or manufacturer. |
mer. |
merchant. |
mkr. |
maker. |
n. |
north. |
not. pub. |
notary public. |
nr. |
near. |
opp. |
opposite. |
prov. |
provision. |
prop'r. |
proprietor. |
res. |
residence. |
s. |
south or side. |
servt. |
servant. |
w. |
west. |
wh. |
wholesale. |
wks. |
works. |
Cady Grovenor B. (C & Phillips,) bds Willis House
Cady & PHillips, (Grovenor B. C. & Daniel P.) dentists w s Market b Main & High
Calhoon J.C. printer h e s Plumb b Main and High
Calhoon Wm. R. printer h e s Plumb b Main and High
Campbell Anderson, farmer h e s Walnut Alley b Main and Columbia
Campbell Elizabeth, h w s Market b High and Washington
Campion Walter, shoe mkr h n s Harrison b Taylor and Mill
Capron Charles P. (E. P. H. Capron & Bro.) h n s Selma Pike
CAPRON E. P. H. & BRO., (E. P. H. & Charles P. C.,) Photographers, 120 Main
Capron E. P. H. (E. P. H. C. & Bro.) h 77 Centre
Carey John, lab h s s Rogers b Cherry and Centre Av
Carey Martin, tobacco dealer h n s Jefferson b Factory and Mechanic
Carey Patrick, lab h s s Columbia e of Spring
Carey Thomas, lab h w s Cherry b Hill and Harrison
Carlisle Hugh T. printer bds Western House
Carliss Daniel, lab h n s Main e of Water
Carlon John, h 50 Factory
Carlos Patrick, lab h s s Mound w of Cherry
Carrigan Cornelius, h n s Mill Run e of Spring
Carrigan James, painter h n s Mill Run e of Spring
Carrigan James W. finisher wks 177 Main
Carroll John, cart driver h e s Market b Columbia and North
Carter David, trader h s s Main b Centre and Factory
Carter Hugh, tinner h s s Jefferson b Centre and Factory
Cassian James, farmer h w s Cherry b High and Harrison
Cassian Patrick, farmer h w s Cherry b High and Harrison
Cassian Thomas, lab h s s Mound w of Cherry
Cathcart Joseph, livery stable e s Limestone b Main and Columbia, h s e c Mechanic and Main
Cavileer Rachel, h 41 High
Cavanaugh Anthony, shoe mkr s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Charles, lab h w s Cherry b Hill and Harrison
Cavanaugh Michael, lab bds s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Patrick B. shoe mkr h s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Peter, lab h e s Spring n of Columbia
Chaine James, blksmith bds n w c Main and Spring
Chalfant Rev. James F. h s s Mound e of Cherry
Champane Joseph, shoe mkr h n w c Clifton and Scott
Chatman — bk mason bds Western Hotel
Chattler Frederick, h s s High b Mechanic and Factory
Child John C agricultural implement manuf. h w s Mechanic b Main and High
Chin Wm. jr., lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Chin Wm. sr., lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Chorpenning John F. coal oil manuf. h n s Buck Creek
Christie Jesse, stoves 115 Main, h w s Factory b Main and High
Christie James S. insurance agent, office 114 Main, h n s Race e of Limestone
Christy Robert, carp h 313 Main
Christy Robert V. turner h 313 Main
Cigler Frederick, molder h n s Columbia w of Sycamore
Cisler — farmer h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
Cisler Frederick, grocery h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, swc Main and Market; James Cummings, Clerk.
City Hll, s e c High and Market
CITY SOLICITOR'S OFFICE, s e c Main and Limestone; D. M. Cochran, Solicitor.
Clapp Chester, clk bds 37 High
Clark J. Harry, (S. Clark & Sons,) h s w c High and Spring
Clark John H. (S. Clark & Sons,) h e s Limestone n of Buck Creek
Clark Robert, supervisor h s s Selma Pike e of Mill
Clark Samuel, (S. Clark & Sons,) h s w c High and Spring
Clark Samuel, lab h n s Harrison e of Taylor
CLARK S. & SONS, (Samuel, J. Harry, & John H. C.,) Grocers, e s Limestone b Main and High.
CLARKE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, C. M. Gould, Editor and Publisher, 115 Main.
Clarke Elizabeth S. h w s Factory s of Jefferson
Clarke John G. h w s Factory
Clemans Calvin, (J. B. Clemans & Son,) bds n w c Columbia and Market
Clemans & Co. (John B. C. & Joseph M. Phillips,) Prop'rs Cliff Mills n s North b Market and Factory
Clemans John B. (Clemans & Co. and J. B. C. & Son,) h n w c Columbia and Market
Clifford Wm. tinner bds D. F. McWilliams'
Clokey Rev. Joseph, h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Clokey Wilson, h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Cobaugh Alexander R. clk h e s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Cobaugh Lewis, millwright h e s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Cobaugh Wm. T. farmer h e s Limestone b North & Buck Creek
Coble Jacob, carp h s s Main, west end
Cochran A. P. Linn, (C. & Bro.) bds e s Limestone n of Buck Creek
Cochran Aaron, atty s e c Main and Limestone, bds Willis House
COCHRAN & BRO., (David M. & A. P. Linn Cochran,) Agents Ætna Insruance Company, Attorneys at Law, and Notaries Public, s e c Main and Limestone.
COCHRAN D. M. (C. & Bro.) and City Solicitor, Office s e c Main and Limestone.
Cochrane Wm. F. eng bds n s Buck Creek e of Limestone
Coffey Patrick, lab h n s Columbia e of Sycamore
COGGESHALL WM. T., Editor and Publisher of the Springfield Republic, h n s Main b Centre and Factory.
Cogswell Geo. W. conductor h 34 Jefferson
Cole Alexander P. conductor h 74 Centre
Cole Harrison, teacher Greenway Boarding School
Cole Henry, clk 112 Main, bds Knaub's Hotel
Cole Henry C. hostler bds Willis House
Coleman Hellen, servt s w c Market nad Jefferson
Coleman J. Lamar, grocer w s Market b Main and High
Coles & Brother, (John W. & George H. C.) furniture 157 Main
Coles George H. (C. & Bro.) h 161 Main
Coles John W. (C. & Bro.) h 72 Centre
Colligan Bridget, servt 35 High
Compton Adeline, h s s Columbia b Market and Factory
Compton Charles, painter w s Market b Main and High
Compton Emery, carp h w s Cherry b Harrison and Clifton
Compton Wm. H. harness mkr h s s Jefferson b Centre and Factory
Condren Patrick, lab h n s Main e of Spring
Conklin Wm. plasterer h n s Pleasant b Centre and Factory
Conley Michael, lab h e s Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Connell Julia, servt s s High b Gallagher and Mill
Conner Thomas, lime burner h s w c North and Market
Conory Jerry, lab h s s Columbia w of Sycamore
Conrey Rev. J. Ford, h w s Centre s of Pleasant
Convey Margaret, servt e s Market b High and Washington
Cook Harman T. chair mkr h s s Columbia e of Spring
Cook John, mech h n s North b Mechanic and Yellow Spring
Cook Joseph, lab h w of Plumb n of North
Cook Wm. teamster h n s Columbia b Light and Pleasant
Coole Caroline, servt 6 Market
Coole John, mach h n s North b Factory and Mechanic
Cooper David, hardware 119 Main, h 46 Centre
Cooper James M. clk 119 Main, bds Knaub's Hotel
Cooper Samuel, h 34 High
Copenheffer Reuben, (Wm. Burns & Co.) h s s Main e of Penn
Copes — cartman h n s Jefferson b Mechanic and Plumb
Copes Wm. h n s Jefferson b Mechanic and Plumb
Corcoran Thomas, grocery 70 Main
Cork Patrick, lab h n s Columbia b Murray and Sycamore
Corley Patrick, lab h w s Mill b Mill Run and Railroad
Coos John, daguerrotypes 128 Main, h n w c Limestone and Miller
Cotes Peter, hats and caps 114 Main, h 37 High
COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, n e c Limestone and Colubmia; John Newlove, Auditor.
COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Court House Building; Absalom Mattox, Clerk.
County Jail, n s High b Spring and Foster
COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, n e c Limestone and Columbia; Wm. S. Meranda, Recorder.
County Surveyor's Office, 117 Main
County Treasurer's Office, 99 Main; Theodore Wick, Treasurer
Court House, n w c Limestone and Columbia
Cowman John, tailor h s s Washington b Factory and Centre
Cox Coleman, lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Cox Luke, stone mason bds n s Washington b Spring and Gallagher
Cox Mary, servt 97 Main
Cox Michael, lab h n s Columbia e fo Water
Cox Peter, lab h e s Cherry b High and Harrison
Crager — carp bds Western Hotel
Crager Nathaniel, carp h w s Factory b North and Columbia
Criley Alfred H. teacher h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley Isaac, pottery h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley John M. h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley Wm. W. teacher h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Crimmer Jesse, bk mason h n e c Factory and Washington
Crist Annie h n s High b Centre and Factory
Crist Hanry, shoe mkr h n s Washington b Centre and Factory
Crist Laura, h n s High b Centre and Factory
CROFT DAVID L., Silver and Brass Plater, 188 Main, h n w c Market and Jefferson.
Croft David J. distiller h s s Main b Foster and Penn
Croft Pauline, h n w c Market and Jefferson
Crombleholme George, carriage painter bds at James Fleming's
Croney Jerry, lab h n s Columbia b Water and Spring
Crooker Frank, harness mkr h w s Yellow Spring n of North
Crooker Gordon, tinner h w s Yellow Spring n of North
Cross James N. boots and shoes n s Main one door east of Knaub's Hotel
Crossland Allen M. harness mkr h w s Limestone b Columbia and Main
Crossland Emanuel, constable h w s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Crothers Wm. L. h s s Market b Mulberry and Pleasant
Crouch Wm. T. carp n s Main b Factory and Mechanic
Crow Benjamin, driver h s s Main b Spring and Foster
Crowell Abner B. pattern mkr h w s Market s of Pleasant
Crown Joshua, baker h w s Market b High and Washington
Crowthers John P. h s e c Main and Race
Croy Elizabeth, servt n w c Limestone and Race
Crum Cary T. clk 117 Main, h s s Mulberry b Limestone and Spring
Crum Rev. George C. h s s Mulberry b Spring and Limestone
Culp Jacob, carp bds American House
Culp Levi, plasterer h w s Factory b High and Main
Cumming Rev. Edward H. h n s Main e of Locust Av.
Cummings Finley O. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
CUMMINGS JAMES W., City Clerk, office, s w c Main and Market; h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cummings Mary A. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cummings Capt. Wilber F. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cunningham Edward, tailor h n e c Jefferson and Factory
Cunningham Peter, lab h e s Yellow Spring Road s of Washington
Curtis Jacob A. carp h w s Scott b Harrison and Clifton
Cushin Robert, cooper h e s Spring b Main and Columbia
Cushing Daniel, bds w s Mill b Mill Run and Selma Pike
Cushman James, carriage mkr h e s Factory b Main & Columbia
Cushman Wm. D. (Holloway and C) bds Willis House
Cussen Robert, cooper h e s Spring b Main and Columbia