Springfield in 1852
From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852
res. - residence.
E. - east.
N. - north.
S. - south.
W. - west
bd., bds - board, boards.
cor. - corner.
bet. - between.
st., sts. - street, streets.
s. - side
Those designated by a * are colored persons.
Sapp, Benjamin livery, Main st bet Market & Center N s
Sampson, John T. shoemaker, bds with D. Longstreet
Sapp, Adam D. cartman, res Columbia st bet Pleasant and Race N s
Sager, Martin laborer, res stone house Main st S s
Sager, Solomon grocer, res Market st bet Main and High
Sawyer, J. B. carpenter, res Spring st bet Washington and Mill Run W s
Schulte, Arnold shoemaker, res Market st bet Main and Columbia W s
Scheehan, Daniel shoemaker, res Market st bet Columbia and North E s
Schindler, Daniel student of Wittenberg College
Schmucker, D. R. student of Wittenberg College
Schaffer, Rudolph carpenter, res Columbia st bet Factory and Mechanic S s
Schaffer, Emanuel carpenter, bds with R. Schaffer
Schulte, Fred. tailor, res N. W. cor North and Factory
Schulze, J. C. minister of German Lutheran Church, res Columbia st bet Market and Limestone N s
Schnert, Conrad laborer, res Bancroft's block Main st
Schay, John laborer, bds with M. Kelly
Schott, J. T. carpenter, res Main st bet Penn and Sycamore S s
Schrimp, Francis cooper, res S E cor of Foster & Section
Schaeffer, Wm .N. candle manufacturer, res S W cor Main and Sycamore
Schay, Thomas grocer, bds with Wm. Tooher
Schrader, Michael laborer, bds with J. P. Brace
Schrofe, Perry teamster res Yellow Spring Road W s
Schrader, Jacob laborer, res Yellow Spring Road W s
Seibert, Geo. grocer, res and store Main st bet Limestone and Spring N s
Seibert, Leonard clerk, bds with Geo. Seibert
Seaman, J. G. mason, res High st bet Foster and Penn N s
Sergent, George clark, bds with J. Funk
Sensabaugh, Henry cartman, res Cherry st bet High and Mound E s
Shurnea, Sarah res N W cor of Main st & Township Road
Short, Abraham laborer, res North st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring N s
Shupp, Solomon works in flouring mill, bds with J. S. Christie
Shawl, Geo W. cartman, res one door N of National Hotel
Shaffer, Leonard, lock smith, res and shop Main st bet Spring and Water
* Shafer, B. laborer, bds with R. Goff
Shultz, A. tobacconist, bds at U. S. Hotel
Share, Peter res High st bet Hill and Cherry S s
Shaw, Peter laborer, res Race st bet Main High W s
Shepherd, Richard telegraph man, bds with J. Barber
Shepherd, Henry M. merchant, bds with A. L. Runyon
Shellabarger, Samuel lawyer, res Washington st bet Spring and Limestone N s
Shepherd, Joshua B. clark, bds with Wm. Foos
Shumaker, Mrs. Rachel, res yellow Spring Road E s
Shatler, A. F. tailor, res High st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring S s
Shannon, David finisher, bds with Wm. Houchins
Shipman, john A. furniture dealer, res main st bet Factory and Mechanic, N s
Sharp, M. A. carriage trimmer, res Main st bet Market & Center N s
Shuman, Samuel wagoner, res Columbia st bet Race and Plum N s
Shinners, Patrick cooper, res Market st near the Cliffs
Sheck, Luther student of Wittenberg College
Shaffer, David teamster, res Main st bet High and Pleasant N s
Shipman, Hampton tailor, res Washington st bet Center & Factory S s
Simon, Daniel blacksmith, res Main st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring
Simpson, S. R. carpenter, bds with J. F. Spencer
Simpson, James mason, res South Pleasant st bet Center and Factory N s
Simpson, George carpenter, res S E cor Jefferson and Factory sts
Simons, Jacob Bible agent, res N E cor Washington and Center sts
Skinner, Richard railroad conductor, bds at Anthony House
Skillman, David carpenter, bds with D. Whissingre
* Slater, John laborer, res Market st bet Main & Columbia
Slater, Mrs. sarah, res Washington st bet Factory and center N s
Smith, William C. oil maker, res N W cor Market and Columbia
Smith, Elizabeth tailoress, bds with E. Hawkin
Smith, A. R. student of Wittenberg College
Smith, J. H. painter, bds at American House
Smith, J. D. book binder, res Factory st bet Columbia & North W s
Smith, L. shoemaker, res Yellow Spring st N of North W s
Smith, Nelson book binder, res N end of Factory st
Smith, Mrs. Sarah, res Columbia st bet Spring and Limestone N s
Smith, Frederick carpenter, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water S s
Smith, Martin machinist, bds at U. S. Hotel
Smith, James laborer, res Main st bet Penn and Sycamore S s
Smith, Mrs. Catharine, res High st bet Penn & foster N s
Smith, John principal of the Female Seminary, res Main st bet Yellow Spring and Plum S s
Smith, Enoch turner, res Main st bet Plum and Race S s
Smith, August saddler, res Yellow Spring st bet Main and High E s
Smith, charles baker, res Alley E of C. Anthony's
Smith, C. D. bookseller, bds with J. McLinn
Smith, C. H. carpenter, res N W cor Market and Washington sts
Smith, Levi shoemaker, res N W cor Factory and High
Smith, H. J. railroad man, res Jefferson st bet Center and Factory N s
* Smith, Hezekiah, moulder, res Two Pole st S end E s
Smith, J. L. chairmaker, res Mulberry st bet Factory and Center N s
Smith, James N. shoemaker, res Mulberry st bet Center & Factory N s
Smead, F. M. cabinet maker, res Washington st bet Market and Center S s
Snyder, J. L. merchant, res and store Main st bet Limestone and Market S s
Snyder, Geo. H. merchant, res Washington st bet Market and Factory S s
Snyder, S. P. clerk, bds with J. L. Snyder
Snowden, E. mason, res Jefferson bet Factory & Center N s
Souders, Gilbert black smith, res N E cor Washington & Gallagher
Sprecher, Rev. Samuel President of Wittenberg College
Sprecher, Isaac Tutor of Wittenberg College
Spence, George lawyer, bds at American House
Spickler, Martin cabinet maker, bds with H. Doty
Spencer, R. S. broker, res Limestone bet Main and High W S
Spining, Pearson iron stove dealer, res S W cor High and Gallagher
Spencer, J. F. turner, res Plum st S of High E side
Spencer, Josiah bds with W. M. Spencer
Spencer, W. M. merchant, res Spencer's Hill
Sprague, Rufus saddler, res Market st S end W side
Sparks, David plasterer, res Factory st bet Washington & Jefferson E s
Starret, H. F. shoemaker, res Market st W side
Starr, Wm. tinner, bds with P. Moody
Stover, Samuel student of Wittenberg College
Steck, Jacob student of Wittenberg College
Stewdebaker, Elias student of Wittenberg College
Stelling, student of Wittenberg College
Stowe, K. student of Wittenberg College
Steele, John potter, res and shop Main st bet Market and Center N s
Stout, Mrs. Margaret, res N E cor of Main & Factory
Stephens, Henry cabinet maker, res Columbia st E cor of Public Square
Shinoman, Peter laborer, res Columbia bet Spring & Water
Stimson, Mrs. Diana, res S E cor of Columbia & Pleasant
Stewart, Wm. R. stone dealer, res Yellow Spring st N e
Stroup, David miller, res near Stroup's mill
Stroud, Charles, German Lutheran minister, bds with Geo. Frankenburg
Stone, F. P. engineer, bds at Anthony House
Stephenson, E. P. printer, res S. W. cor Columbia and Spring
Stepes, Henry carpenter, bds with H. Buckles
Stewart, John miller, res Main st bet Spring and Foster S s
Stineman, George baker, res and shop Main st bet Spring and Limestone S s
Strain, Wm. carpenter, res N E cor High and Sycamore
Steen, Andrew teamster, res S of Croten Water Works
Stiner, Jesse minister of the German Reform Church, res Main st bet Center & Factory S s
Steelman, Mahala milliner, res Main st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring S s
Steelman, Mrs. Rebecca, bds with same
Steele, Marshfield S. grocer, res Limestone st bet High and Main E s
Stewart, J. C. grocer, res Washington st bet Spring and Limestone N s
Stayman, Abraham cooper, res Factory st bet High and Washington W s
Steele, John jun. pump maker, res Mechainc st S end E s
Starr, Calvin physician, res Market Space E s
Stribling, E. M. engineer, res Market Space E s
Steelman, Elisha cooper, res Center st bet Jefferson and Mulberry E s
Stephenson, Joseph carpenter, res Center st S end E s
Stroup, John miller, res Columbia st bet Walnut Alley and Mill Run S s
Stout, John clerk, bds with Margaret Stout
Sullivan, Michael laborer, bds at Western Hotel
Sullivan, Thomas shoemaker, bds with W. J. Neal
Swayne, C. W. Methodist E. minister, res Factory st bet Washington st and Railroad bridge W s
Swaney, Joseph res High st bet Market and Center
Swope, Daniel carpenter, res High st bet Factory and Mechanic N s
Swope, Edward merchant, res Spring st bet High and Washington E s
Switzer, Jacob laborer, bds with J. Lawrence
Sykes, James painter, res N E cor Washington and Spring
Sykes, John clerk, bds with James Sykes
Sykes, Edward painter bds with James Sykes
Sykes, Charles cartman, res Hill st bet Washington and Mill Run W s
Sykes, Josiah laborer, res Hill st bet Washington and Mill Run W s