Springfield in 1852
From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852
res. - residence.
E. - east.
N. - north.
S. - south.
W. - west
bd., bds - board, boards.
cor. - corner.
bet. - between.
st., sts. - street, streets.
s. - side
Those designated by a * are colored persons.
Mason, Samson lawyer, res N W cor Limestone & High sts
Mason, Rodney lawyer, res N W cor Limestone & High sts
Mason, E. C. surveyor, res N W cor Limestone & High sts
Marquart, T. M. student, bds in Kindlebarger's building
Marsh, Chas. harness maker, bds with P. Moody
May, James sr. cooper, res Market st bet Main and Columbia W s
May, James jr. cooper, bds with J. May sr.
May, J. T. shoemaker, bds with J. May sr.
Machatten, Jos. student of Wittenberg College
Macbree, James laborer, bds with E. Gwyn
Maffett, Andrew miller, res N of Buck creek N W cor of the city
Mapps, John cooper res Columbia st bet Mill Run and Factory st S s
Mahr, Mrs. Dorathy, res S E cor Columbia and Plumb sts
Madden, Michael laborer, bds with W. R. Stewart
Marley, D. W. insurance agent, bds at Anthony House
Mantz, John carpenter, res Columbia st bet Limestone and Spring S s
* Mansel, John drayman, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water S s
Mangan, Timothy laborer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water S s
Magher, Denny laborer, res Spring st bet Main and Columbia E s
Marquid, Mrs. Susan, res Main st bet Spring & Water N s
Manehon, J. blacksmith, res Main st bet Spring and Water
Marshall, Geo. mason, bds at U. S. House
Marshall, Otho, mason, bds at U. S. House
Marshall, Michael mason, res Main st bet Penn and Sycamore S s
Magnuson, Lewis book keeper, res Spring st bet Main and High E s
Mason, J. B. student bes with Mary Cummings
Maher, James laborer, res Main st bet Center and Factory
Marckley, R. C. cigar maker, bds with M. S. Steele
May, Mrs. Mary, res High st bet Market and Center
May, Williamson hatter, N W cor High and Mechanic
Mattox, Absalom express agent, res S W cor Jefferson and Market
* Mathews, Samuel laborer, res W of O. Clark's
Mayne, Joel printer, res Mulberry st bet Center and Factory S s
Marlan, Rob't weaver, res N W cor Cherry & Rodgers sts
May, Wm. drayman, res Two Pole st S end E s
Mathews, Wm. painter, res Center st S end E s
McLare, John livery, res main st N s
McCarty, Alex. blacksmith, res Columbia st bet Factory and Mechanic S s
McConaha Andrew tailor, res Mechanic st bet Main and Columbia E s
McCashen, James tailor, res Mechanic st bet Main and Columbia E s
McCoy, A. blacksmith, res Columbia st bet Factory and Mechanic N s
McDowell, Mrs. Ann, res North st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring N s
McCord, Mrs. Selah, res N end of Factory st.
McBryan, Owen porter at Anthony House
McCune, John porter at Anthony House
McIntire, Wm. T. house mover, res Buck Creek and Mill race.
McIntire, Margaret residence bet Buck Creek and Mill Race.
McBride, Mrs. Mary res bet Buck Creek and Mill Race.
McBride, Samuel sawyer, bds with Mary McBride.
McBride, Jacob sawyer, bds with Mary McBride
McLean, Thomas laborer, bds with P. Nash.
McLean, Barney laborer, bds with P. Nash
McWilliams, C. F. boarding house, N e cor Main and Limestone sts
McCreight, I. C. merchant, bds with C. F. McWilliams.
McGowen, Joseph blacksmith, res Water st bet Main and Columbia W s
McMichael, daniel laborer, bds at U.S. Hotel
McCay, Archibald shoemaker, res Main st bet Spring and Foster sts
McDermantt, John laborer, bds with P. Cuff
McDermantt, Michael laborer, bds with P. Cuff
McDermantt, Nora Mrs. bds with P. Cuff
McCarty, Michael laborer, res Main street bet Spring and Foster sts S s
McCarty, Mrs. Mary res Main bet Spring and Limestone S s
McLaughlin, C. D. res High bet Spring and Foster sts N s.
McCan, Mrs. Soprony res Spring bet High and Washington sts E s
McConkle, Francis miller, bds wtih A. Boggs
McCaul, Mrs. Nancy, Hill res bet Washington and High W s
McCone, Owen laborer, res Washington bet Spring and Limestone sts S s
McMahn, James laborer, bds with S. Mason
McMeans, Wm. cashier Springfield Bank, res Limestone st bet Main and High W s
McCune, John merchant, bds with J. A. Hall
McCullough, T. P. physician, bds with S. S. Tallmage
McLaughlin, cartman, res S E corner Spring and Mill Run [no first name given in original text]
McLaughlin, Andrew D. cartman, bds with S. McLaughlin
McFaden, Wm. bds with J. A. Bean
McNemar, R. R., lawyer and editor, res Limestone st S of Public Square E s
McDonnell, Peter plasterer, res Main st bet Township Road and West Cross st S s.
McCudy, William carpenter, bds with P. Moody.
McIntire, James W. carpenter, res S W cor of Market and North sts
McIntire, Joseph, carpenter, res S E cor of Market nad North sts
McLacudy, C. laborer, res Main st bet Factory and Mechanic N s
McCoy, Thomas B. smith, bds at American Hotel
McChord, mason, res N E cor Vine and Clifton. [No first name given in original text.]
McCune, Barney blacksmith, res N W cor Gallagher and Mill Run sts
McCoy, Samuel paper maker, res Washington bet Factory and Water sts N s
McGran, Edward blacksmith, res S E cor Factory and Jefferson sts
McLaughlin, Thos. laborer, bds with S. McLaughlin
McElvain, Wm. B. clerk, res Jefferson st bet Factory and Centre N s
McLaren, shoemaker, bds with M. S. Steel
Mereness, Ann res Market bet Main and Columbia N s
Mereness, Milton farmer, res N s Buck Creek
Mereness, Mrs. Mariah res N E cor Columbia and Factory
Mehan, Andrew laborer, res Gallagher bet High and Washington St. E s
Meller, Jesse telegraph operator, bds with Mrs. Green
Merchant, Thos. shoemaker, res High st bet Factory and Mechanic N s
Miller, Charles upholster, bds with P. Moody
Michaels, William blacksmith, res Jefferson st bet Factory and Center N s
Milen, John grocer, bds with Wm. Holver
Milat, John laborer, res Hill bet Washington and High E s
Miller, George carpenter, res S W Main and Centre sts
Miller, J. G. mason, res Spencer's Edition
Mitchell, George laborer, bds with D. Shaffer
Miner, Joshua livery man, Market st E s N of Main
Mitchell, C. H. printer, bds at Anthony House.
Minogue, Michael laborer, res Spring bet Main and Columbia E s
Miller, Ananias student of Wittenberg College
Mitchell, Nelson carpenter, res Washington one door W of Market
Miller, Ephraim, blacksmith, bds at Western Hotel
Miller, Robert, blacksmith, bds with Levi King
Mills, Mrs. Ann res S of Northern Depot
Miller, Balser carpenter, res Washington st bet Center and Factory, S s
Mills, William laborer, res Taylor bet Harrison and Clifton sts E s
Miller, reuben auditor, res Clifton st S s
Moody, Peter saddler, res Market st bet Main and Columbia E s
* Morgan, Lucinida dress maker, Main st bet Market and Center N s up stairs
Moruth, Francis grocer, N E cor Main and Plum sts
Moore, Henry chair maker, res Walnut Alley bet Main & Columbia sts E s
Moore, William stove dealer, N E cor Main and Yellow Spring sts
* Morgan, Nelson blacksmith, res S W cor Light and North
* Morgan, Nimrod blacksmith, res N E cor Columbia and Race sts
* Moore, Mrs. Hannah resides N end of Mechanic st E s
* Moore, Strawther barber, bds with H. Moore
Moore, Thomas sen stone mason, res North st bet Factory and Mechanic S s
Moore, Thomas jun plasterer, res North st bet Factory & Mechanic sts
Morrow, D. S. tobacconist, res S E cor Limestone & Public Square E s
Mowat, Alexander stone cutter, res Main st bet Spring & Water N s
Mowat, Geo laborer, res Main st bet Spring and Water N s
Morris, Richard W. teacher, bds with M. S. Steel
Moody, James Moody saddler, res Main st bet Spring and Foster S s
Morris, S. G. blacksmith, bds with J. Fralick.
Mowen, David blacksmith, res Main st bet Market and Center N s
Moore, Geo blacksmith, bds with J. Peters
Moore, Elder J. L., Baptist minister, res High st bet Spring and Gallagher S s
Montjoy, Thomas res S s old Dayton Road
Monroe, Wm. R. mason, bds with I. H. Compton
Moody, Granville Pastor of Columbia st M. E. Church, res S E cor High and Factory sts
Moore, Benjamin res S E cor Gallagher and Mill Run sts
Morrison, Edward, railroad superintendant, res Washington bet Factory and Center sts N s
* Moore, Alex. laborer, res Two Pole st S end W s
Murphy, W. D. student of Wittenberg College
Mumand, John, carpenter, bds with Mrs. Dudley
Muzzy, B. F. furniture dealer, res Spring Hill
Murray, Peter merchant, N W cor Main and Limestone
Murphy, John laborer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water S s
Murphey, Mr. laborer, bds at U. S. Hotel
Mulholland Mrs. Mary S. jeweler, res and shop Main st one door W of Spring S s
Murdock, John res Main st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring st S s
Muzzy, Lucius res High st bet Spring and Limestone S s
Murphy, James merchant, res High st bet Spring and Limestone N s
Mulholland, Wm. carpenter, bds at Western Hotel
Muzzy, Joseph S. grocer, res High st bet Market and Center sts S s
Mummert, Mrs. Susan res N E cor Factory and Jefferson
Murphy, Michael laborer, res Mound st bet Cherry and Township road N s
Murie, James, machinist, bds with J. Lawrence
Myers, James painter, bds with J. Fish
Myers, Philip, clerk, res Main st bet Yellow Spring and Plum N s
Myers, J. H. livery, res Washington st 1 d W of Market
Myers, James laborer, res Hill st bet Washington and High E s
Myers, Nimrod carpenter, res Factory st bet High and Washington