Springfield in 1852
From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852
res. - residence.
E. - east.
N. - north.
S. - south.
W. - west
bd., bds - board, boards.
cor. - corner.
bet. - between.
st., sts. - street, streets.
s. - side
Those designated by a * are colored persons.
Lanthurn, Wm. H. student, bds in Kindlebarger's building
Laxley, Jos. hardware merchant, bds with W. C. Smith
Layton, Timothy laborer, res Market st N of North
Lancaster, — student of Wittenberg College
Lash, Fred. cooper, bds at American House
Laybourn, Christopher keeper of Infirmary, res at same
Lankanaugh, Detrick laborer, bds with H. Lankanaugh
Lankanaugh, Hiram butcher, res High st bet Sycamore and Walnut N s
Lawrence, T. P. clerk, bds with M. S. Steele
Lawrence, Harris physician, bds with J. G. Miller
Lavan, Mrs. Sarah, res N W cor Mechanic and Washington sts
Lavan, David shoemaker, bds with Sarah Lavan
Lawrence, Uriah carpenter, res Center st bet Jefferson & Mulberry W s
Lankanaugh, Henry laborer, res Spring st bet Main and Columbia E s
Lathrop, Levi hatter, res Washington st bet Center and Factory N s
Lawrence, Martin cabinet Maker, res Washington st bet Factory and Center N s
Lawrence, Clark res S W cor Factory and Nicholson sts
Lacoumpt, Chas carpenter, res Center st S en W s
Lawrence, Chauncy, carpenter, res Washington st bet Center and Factory W s
Lawrence, Mrs. Susan, res N of Mulberry st
Leffel, James machinist, res Main st N s
Lecoumpt, Elizabeth tailoress, res Market st bet Main and Columbia S s
Lecrone, J.P. teamster, res Columbia st bet Mechanic and Yellow Spring S s
Leedle, Geo. drayman, res Columbia st bet Market and Limestone N s
Lewis, Wm. grocer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water N s
Leibold, Joseph brewer, res S W cor Plum and Section sts
Lehman, J. wagon maker, res Main st bet Factory and Mechanic S s
Leffel, T. foundryman, res S E cor Main & Old Dayton road
Lench, Peter laborer, res Cherry st bet Harrison and Clifton W s
Lench, T. laborer, res Cherry st bet Rodgers & Clifton W s
Lippincott, Darius student. bds in Kindlebarger's building
Lipps, Geo. teamster, bds with J. Ward
Lingle, John C. saddler, res Columbia st bet Market and Limestone S s
* Liverpool, John laborer, bds with R. Goff
Lipscomb, G. grocer, res Center st bet Main and High W s
Linton, J. B. clerk, res Gallagher st bet Washington and High E s
Louis, D. drayman, bds at American House
Lowry, Wm. L. dress cutter, bds with Ann A. Greene
Longnecker, John tailor, res High st bet Yellow Spring & Plumb N s
Loucks, G. A. grocer, res N E cor High and Market sts
Lutz, J. A. student of Wittenberg College
Luty, John butcher, res N W cor Columbia and Plumb sts
Ludlow, John druggist, res Hgih st bet Spring and Limestone S s
Ludlow, G. shoemaker, res Factory st bet Main & High E s
Ludlow, C. shoemaker, res Factory st bet Main & High E s
Ludlow, S. H. plasterer, res S W cor High and Mechanic sts
Ludlow, Abraham mason res Washington st bet Center & Factory S s
Lynn, Francis, student of Wittenberg College
Lynn, J. M. res High st bet Center and Market N s
Lyons, John drayman, res Center st S end E s