Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1852

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1852


res. - residence.
E. - east.
N. - north.
S. - south.
W. - west
bd., bds - board, boards.
cor. - corner.
bet. - between.
st., sts. - street, streets.
s. - side
Those designated by a * are colored persons.


Hammond, Richard tailor, Market st E s bet Main and Columbia
Hartman, N. carpenter, bds wtih A. Schulte
Harper, Geo. engineer, res Market st bet Columbia and North W s
*Hart, Mrs. Elizabeth, res N W cor Market and North sts
Hardy, Mrs. Jane, res Market st N of North
Hawkin, Elizabeth tailoress, res N E cor Market and North sts
Hawkin, Henry gunsmith bds with E. Hawkins
Halsey, J. S. probate judge, res N E cor Columbia and Market sts
Harrison, P. L. student of Wittenberg College
Harrison, Joseph carriage trimmer, res N E cor Columbia and Mechanic sts
Hains, Wm. painter, res Columbia st bet Race and Plumb
Hamaker, Jacob grocer, res Main st bet Mill Run and Factory st N s
Hawken, Mrs. Susannah, res Factory st bet Main and Columbia E s
Harris, Edwin gunsmith, bds with Mrs. Hawkin
Hammond, Wm. stone mason, res Mechanic st bet Main and Columbia E s
Hammond, Christopher shoemaker, bds with W. Hammond
*Harris, Joseph laborer, res Columbia st bet Pleasant and Race N s
Hanhammer, Mr laborer, res S E cor Factory and North sts
Harmell, L. grocer, res N W cor Limestone and North sts
Hayward, A. O. lumber dealer, res Limestone st bet Main st and Public Square E s
Haws, Andrew drayman, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water S s
Hart, Hugh boarding house, Spring st bet Main and Columbia E s
Hachenberg, G. P. physician, bds with C. F. McWilliams
Hart, Michael laborer, res Main st bet Spring & Water N s
*Haws, Randolph whitewasher, res Warder's place
Hanson, Jeremiah laborer, res Columbia st bet Spring and Water
Harmon, Jacob laborer, bds at U.S. House
Hartman, A. W. physician, bds with Mrs. Foos
Hathaway, Riley carpenter, bds wtih D. Wissinger
Hansbraugh, James teamster, res Main st bet Market and Center S s
Harrison, Richard D. wholesale grocer, res High st bet Spring and Limestone sts
Harrison, Rev. Thos. teacher, res Spring st bet High and Washington E s
Hall, J. A. confectioner, res Union hall building
Hammon, James mason, bds with I. H. Compton
Harshbarger, Wm. mason, bds with M. Trimmer
Harris, Wm. railroad man, bds at Western Hotel
Haynes, Simon painter, res Factory st W s
Harding, Wm. mason, res S E cor High and Factory sts
Harrison, Wm. W. hatter, res S pleasant st bet Center and Factory N s
Hamilton, Andrew shoemaker, res N E cor Spring and Mill Run sts
Hays, D. S. teamster, res S W cor Water and Columbia sts
Hattin, Charles laborer, res Gallagher st S of N depot
Hallenbeck, Henry sheriff, res Washington st bet Factory and Center N s
Hatch, Warner foundry man, res S W cor market space
Hatch, Geo. finisher, bds with W. Hatch
Hawes, Mrs. Emily, res Factory st bet Washington and Jefferson E s
Hains, Henry manufacturer, res High st bet Center and Factory S s
Harrison, Robert saddler, res Center st S end E s
Haley, John farmer, res Cherry st bet Mound & High w s
Hepp, Frederick National Exchange
Heil, Adam oilmaker, bds with F. Bormat
Heshon, Jas. laborer, res Main st bet Spring and Water N s
Heil, John shoemaker, bds with A. Schulte
Heck, James painter, res Market st bet Main and Columbia W s
Henry, Mrs. Bridget, res Market st N of North
Herron, Wm. cooper, bds at American,br> Hecock, Eli peddler, res Walnut alley bet Main and Columbia sts E s
Hempleman, Isaac laborer, bds with W. R. Stewart
Heikenbottom, David laborer, res N end Factory st
Helphry, John laborer, res North st N end Factory
Hendershot, Isaac postmaster, res Main st bet Spring and Foster S s
Hedrick, Henry merchant, res N E cor foster and High sts
Hedges, Samuel student, bds wtih Mary Cummings
Helfry, Adam shoemaker, res Main st bet Yellow Spring and Plumb S s
Hedgman, T. teacher, res High st bet Hill and Cherry S s
Henkle, Mrs. Clarinda, res High st bet Gallagher and Spring S s
Henderson, Thos. laborer, res Hill st bet Gallagher and Spring S s
Henkle, Jacob carpenter, bds wtih I. H. Compton
Henry, R. W. Associate Reform minister, res High st bet Center and Factory N s
Henry, C. W. manufacturer, bds at Western Hotel
Hermon, L. D. grocer, res market space W s
Helps, John bill poster, res High st bet Limestone and Market S s
Hennessay, John mason, res Clifton st S s
Henry, Wm. watchman L M R R depot res same
Hennesay, Jas. laborer,r es Two Pole st S of Mulberry E s
Hill, Thos. student of Wittenberg College
Hill, John student of Wittenberg College
Hilker, J. D. farmer, res township road N of North st.
Hickman, Absalom laborer, res N W cor Main & Water sts
Hill, John plasterer, res High st bet Penn and Foster N s
Hickey, John tailor, res Main st bet Center and Factory
Hill, George hatter, Washington st bet Spring and Limeston S s
Hill, Titus tailor, res Mechanic st bet Main and High W s
Higgins, Eve, res Rodgers st bet Cherry st and township road N s
Horner, Daniel, student of Wittenberg College
Howard, — student of Wittenberg College
Hocks, theadore wood sawyer, res N of North st bet Yellow Spring and Mechanic sts
How, John tinner, bds with Ann A. Greene
Hoskins, Thos. A. carpenter, res Factory st bet Main and High W s
Honley, Wm. laborer, res back of Croton Water Works
Honefinger, Henry res Spring Hill
Householder, John saddler, res N W cor Main and Mechanic sts N s
Hoak, John laborer, bds with W. R. Stewart
Hoak, Lewis laborer, bds with C. Schnert
Houk, Martin, laborer, res Main st bet Spring and Water
Hoover, Wm. cabinet maker, res Columbia st E end
Houston, Theadore clerk, bds with G. Foos
Horner, R. shoemaker, res S E cor Main and Center sts
Howard, Rev. Solomon principal O. C. H. School, res High st bet Foster and Spring N s
Howard, M. Catholic pastor, res Catholic church
Houck, S. J. chairmaker, bds with J. F. Spencer
Houck, George brickmaker, res Factory st bet Main and High E s
Houck, Francis, brickmaker, bds with Kennedy
Hollman, Chas. railroad man, bds at Western Hotel
Holt, W. S. silversmith, bds at Western Hotel
Holloway, B. livery, res High st bet Center and Factory S s
Houchens, W. boarding house nad store, market space W s
Hotsenpiller, C. carpenter, res S W cor Center & Mulberry
Houck, Wm. brick maker, res Limestone st S end S s
Houston, Mrs. Rebecca, res Factory st bet Washington and Jefferson E s
Huffman, Christopher, res Cor Main and Mary sts
Huben, D. V. grocer, res Main st bet Spring & Foster S s
Huben, Jacob brewer, bds wtih D. V. Huben.
Hutson, Moses laborer, res S W cor Main and Factory sts
Hubble, Mrs. Mary res Clifton st S s
Hutchcroft, John laborer, bds with W. Grant
*Hurley, Mrs. Eliza N end Factory st
Hullinger, John M. coppersmith, bds with L. D. Herman
Hutchinson, A. C. cooper, res Limestone st N of Public Square W s
Huffman, Herbert carpenter, res Spring Hill
Hunt, Mrs. Frances, res Main st 1 d W of National Hotel
Huling, Sarah milliner, bds with C. F. McWilliams
Hutchinson, Maria weaver, res Main st E end
Hunting, C. butcher, res N W cor High and W Cross sts
Hunt, Jas. M. mayor, res High st bet Foster and Penn N s
Huntington, Wm. farmer, Yellow Springs road E s
Huffman, J. D. carpenter, res Spring st bet Jefferson and Clifton, W s
Huffman, McClung, carpenter, res N E cor Srping and Clifton sts
Hubbel, John laborer, res Market st S end E s
Hutchison, Ashton railroad fireman, bds with J. Wiggins
Hyle, Anthony laborer, Spring st bet Jefferson and Washington W s


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

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